Monday, July 5, 2010


If you look under the makeover tab on Stardoll, you will see there is some new information regarding the new makeover. There is also a quick fact answering some of the most popular questions about the makeover.

If you look closely, you will see DKNY..hmm will it make a return??? Thanks Mimi_Mami.

Updated pic: By Blueberry-dream

Thanks USD and Sugar_98 for the tip


Anonymous said...

Are my eyes seeing DKNY? :D

Maddy/maddy65 said...

I hope they bring DKNY back...or something like that :D

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Oooh good eyes. I didn't even pay attention to that!!!

Vintage-Glamour said...

No DKNY will not come back.

It is a MAKEOVER. Why would they bring it back? I wish they would but it will not happen.

Dei said...

Hm, I wonder why they put that season on DKNY in the front, knowing they had to of did it for a reason.

But I hope they improve the Bazaar and guestbook/discussions postings!

belen4 said...

I See DKNY! I Think is the Trade We Been Asking For!(:

Wenqi said...

ohh cant wait! hopefully stardoll will establish a fair trading system so there will be no more scams

nicole24-7 said...

Oooh I hope DKNY comes back :p
Does anyone remember the new layouts we got spoilers for a while ago?

Does anyone else think it's this? :p

Eva said...

I doubt DKNY will return. It's probably trading or something like that :) Btw, have you noticed that when you clicked the campaign page it redirected you to;really weird. It looks like a fake stardoll and I was actually redirected there by a link on stardoll. But there's no link any longer.


palisia112 said...

dkny is a starbazzar window

Larsa [: said...

I think its not,
They are probably using it as examples of clothes.
Examples for clothes on sale in people's starbazaars.

BershkaGirl601 said...

All this had already been posted in USD

Anonymous said...

I think that the DKNY clothes that we see is in the new bazar, but I don't want to say something wrong ^^

palisia112 said...

dkny is a stardbazzar

Colorfuldiary said... you win 2500

Dimitrina Georgieva said...\
Its is pics form Nov. 09 !
Remember ! Stardoll was post them !
This will be the new Stardoll .
If you post them , give a cedit to BG-STARDOLL,BLOGSPOT.COM and to me (Anilavi)
I am writer for this blog , the pics are mine , no prob. to use .


Mailgirl101 said...

OMG! I hope we'll be good for trading! :)

Anonymous said...

What trade?

Ruth said...

Can't wait ^^

FatimaaaaaL said...

CANT WAiT!!!!!!!!

Nadia/thegorgusgirl said...

i dont like it :/

No-one in particular said...


jessthehuntress said...

I don't know about the DNKY. I think this is just the new layout and they used DNKY as clothes to go on the front of the shop section, that's all. Hope they prove me wrong though

lipgloss_babe91 said...

I think the DKNY is just there as an exaple. xXxXx

Lea said...

can't wait..!

Cherri Blossom said...


Ashley-dolly-star said...

i hope that they change our presentation layout on our page :D x

ashley-dolly-star said...

i hope they change the presentation layout on our pages x

Anonymous said...

coool :O

l0nelly said...


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