Sunday, March 26, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº35

After some weeks of pause, we're back with the weekly reviews!

This week stardoll started the releases with a new Giardini. The store came with two floors, bringing some cute plants that are perfect to decorate an interior room. 

I liked some of them but I like Giardini best when the releases are flowers and plants that we can use to decorate an actual outside garden... Which does not exclude the fact that I'll probably buy some of these items, when I have time to start decorating my rooms again.

For wednesday the release was Callie's Picks Decor Ramadan themed. Apparently most of the items of this release where freebies, but I must say that some of them I've never seen around in bazaar, so I kinda liked this release.

The last release of the week was Young Hollywood, with outfits inspired by the 2023 Oscar's red carpet.

I personally liked a lot some of these items, unfortunately I couldn't buy anything I wanted because they sould out so fast! One thing that made me shoked again in a limited release is that the number of male items is very limited, 150 per piece... I know every release the male items remains but limiting them to this little number is crazy!


Monday, March 6, 2023

Chat #198

 Have a great new week dolls! Can you believe we're already in March? This year months are going so fast!

Anyways... With a new chat post, a new feature and this time we'll admire this stunning look by


Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis


Saturday, March 4, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº34

 This week we were surprised again by a Basics release, but this time it was Basics Decor. A total of 5 new floors were add to the store, the items colors are a mix of neon and sober tones.

They went for a fashion studio/store aesthetic this time. I really liked the idea of this release, especially the brand logos1 
I confess I spent all my sc there and still haven't bought everything I want... I know the sc are a cheap coin but Idk why they are thinking when decided to charge 3 digits for these products as in the past the used to be WAY CHEAPER.
Anyways... In my opinion it was a good collection and I see it was a success among some players.

With a new month starting on wednesday, Stardoll officially (?) released the #OotM, with the infos that everymonth these windows will be released always in the first wednesday of the mont and that  3 player's inspirations will be picked per month.

This month the picked players were:

Astrid_: all her outfit coasts 124sds 
earring comes in suite and bp version

Dashety: all her outfit coasts 141sds
earring and bracelet comes in suite and bp versions

JoaoSoares: all his outfit coasts 219sds
each piece is avaliable for male and female dolls, with exception of the earring that is unisex of course

When the announced this new "brand" I was very enthusiastic about it but now, seeing how they worked to pick the outfits I'm a little disappointed. According with them, we don't have a due date to send inspirations, but Vulacano said the in the first days they already had made theyr decisions and picked the winnes. Other point he mentioned was the they will take into account outfits created in the previous months too, so, in my head don't make sense keep sending looks if they will pick among the others that were already sent as well.
In my opinion, they should at least limit the amount of looks sent by one player and set a due date to everyone send the inspirations, so everyone could have the same chances. But we know Stardoll isn't a fair place.

It's been one or two months that people were asking for a limited so they gave us a limited this friday and released a new Antidote.
The store isn't all cohesive but at least they separated different aesthetics in each of the floors...

I know everyone is free to dress as they want but I must say that some of these clothes choices are, at least, questionables... Here I ended up buying more that I wanted but so far I don't regret of any of my purchases.

How this week was for you in stardoll? Are you in the team of those who spent all your starcoins in Basics or part of those who went stardollas poor with Anti?
Also, which of the #OotM is your fav? What styles are you expecting to see next month? Have you sent any suggestions for stardoll?

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