Friday, September 30, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº12

 To start this week, we continue talking about Callie Con, as the activities kept going in the weekend with the Stardoll Staff AMA Answers being posted in StarBlog.

I'm sure the users sent them very interesting questions related to the site, the teams contact with user though messenger/social media, and stuff like that, but instead of answering them, they choose to answer questions about the Stanger Things series, like? we want to know stardoll related stuff, how it works behind the scren, I guess it's the main function of these type of interaction, right!?

Anyways, the last contest of this Callie Con was a quiz, with 7 questions related with the Stranger Things series. Everyone who participated won as a gift this picture.

It would be really cool if the lights could blink, but it's free we can't complain!

Also, the results for the SNTHA were out! They choose 8 winners to promote theys hair designs inspired by the Stanger Things series, but this might have not work as stardoll team, or us, had immagined as the winners don't had the hairs for sale when the results came out.

As for the first release this week, we had Bonjour Bizou. I really liked the bold colors in some items, it isn't a big collection but it's better having just few good pieces than a large collection with low quality design.

The most amazing thing about this collection is that they finally heard the users asking for the Miu Miu set (not the one we were expecting, but...)

For the last Callie Con activite, there's a "Closing Feedback" section, where you can say what you want to see in next Callie Con event, may you can suggest some themes or different activities.
For sending your opinion, you can win this amazing Callie Con poster!

On Wednesday we didn't have any releases, just an announcement that the tributes will be leaving the plaza next month. Unlike other times, where the first store to be launched was removed first, this time we will have them all removed at once.

It's time to go shopping the items that are still in your wishlists!

And as we were promised last week: a limited store was released. And with it a 50% more stardollars.

As we've been waiting for a long time, the limited this time is subcouture. The store came with 4 floors, some male mannequins and the jewelry in versions for suite and bp.

I liked a lot some of the outfits, the Kim K glittery dress looks really good. I wish the pearl dress on 1st floor dont had the black sleeves and neck. Also, the belly tops looks cool and funny at same time... 

Which of the two releases of this week you liked the most? And your favorite item from them?


Monday, September 26, 2022

Chat #179

 Have a lovely new week dolls!

Can you believe we're starting the last week of september?

And, for this chat feature we have this beautiful ethereal fashionable look by Liz!

Please don't forget to keep nominating your favorite posts for the next chat using the #featurethis tag, xx


Saturday, September 24, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº11

 This week started earlier on Stardoll, on Sunday they add to starblog the announcement of the activities for Callie Con 2022. And this year's theme is: Stranger Things.

As always, they sent us the same gifts as every year, just changing the color and year present on the products. Superstars and Royalties also won more versions of the same items but with the golden/light blue shades.

For the first official release of the week, we received an Other World collection inspired by the costumes of Stranger Things characters (unfortunately I can't name them as I'm not familiar with the series).

I think they have been preparing this for a long time, as these items seems to be very well designed. And the interior is very interesting as well... Can't forguet to mention about the male outfis, this time they remembered they exist in this game. 🥳

Following the Callie Con schedule, on Tuesday the StarDesign Stranger Hair SNTHA was announced. If you have any talent as a designer, you have untill 25th September to participate, sending a hair design inspired by any of the ST characters.
I don't have any skill with hair design but I've created a sh!**y hair to send just to see if there's any prize for everyone who enters 🤭, and it actually have!

I quite liked the tee lol the male one seems not fit in my pal's body but I hope it fits well in the male dolls... Have you sent a design for this? Or are you like me and don't have any talent and won't sending anything? 😔

And now, lets talk about my least favourite activity in Callie's Con, because they never select any of the questions I send, if you have a question to staff you can send them until September 24th 📝. I personally would love if they respond how they choose the worst items and themes for Callie's Picks... 

As a gift for entering this you will win this amazing imo pizza van. 🍕

Its a nice car, and all the painting details looks awesome! I would buy this things without blinking if it was for sale. For now on my doll will be selling pizza with the yellow tee in this van.

Giving a break on the Callie Con, on wednesday the release was Epiphany inspired by the queen Elizabeth, featuring her jewelry and crowns.

Tbh I liked this release cause all the items have the bp and suite versions, I bet **** sent tons of messages to stardoll to bring these 💀, I probably will thank him for doing this. Also people now can start preparing to run for MSW... Idk if MSW is close but any of you will be running this year? 👸🏻

Now, going back to the currently Stardoll event, we also have another comp, the Style Trial - Stranger Things edition. For this one you have to create a style inspired by the series and include one (or more) items from the recent Other World release.
The winners from this contest  will win 100 sds and the Style Trial trophy. I already have one of this trophy but I'll be entering this one also cause running for some extras sd is always good, right?!
Everyone who sent an entry for this comp will win those awesome skateboards. (I'm using myself as a model this time because yes, sorry 🤭)

(I just regret about what i said before, because i just spent more than 70 sd buying items to create the look and send it to the competition)

For the 2nd picture contest, the Stranger Things photo contest, you have to decorate your room and create a look inspired by the serie, and as the entering gift they send us this fugly thing, that is called "demogorgon". I'm not exited about it but it can be useful in a future halloween decor.

The last oficial release was a Original Future, it's a small collection, maybe because the team is focused on Callie Con.

This store isn't much my style but I definitely can see my styling some of these pieces, like the black top and skirt set and the red top.
And for finish the week, another Stranger Things contest, which makes me think if in the past Callie Cons they had so many comps 🤔, this one is basically like the other two but with a scary twist, you have to create a look and decor inspired by the upside down, idk which it actually means in the serie but with some Google I saw there's lots of killing and blood and upside down stuff and that ugly vecna thing... Anyways, for participating you're receive this rug

Thanks for the invitation but don't want to go there 💁🏻‍♀️

Now, I'd love to see your comments about this week, have you liked this Callie Con theme? Which is you fav freebie? Also, have you liked they released stuff that have nothing to do with the event?
Btw, sorry for the long post, but this week was on fire in stardoll world! 


Monday, September 19, 2022

Chat #178

This week's featured with the most nominations is...
The last week's birthday gal with this amazing golden party look: KathyDana

Please keep nominating your fellow dolls for the next feature chat xx

Friday, September 16, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº10


This time we didn't start the week with a new store, but with a 50% sale on some beauty items, including jewelry, accessories, hair and makeup.
If you look closely, you can still find some wallpaper from the DIY store and some Bonjour Bizou clothing among the items on sale.

As most of the items in the sale are from newer releases, I don't think they will remove them from plaza, but we never know what's on stardoll team minds so I decided to buy some stuff, here are some of the items I think it's worth having:

Have you bought anything from this crazy and unexpected sale?

Now, the first release from the week was again Callie's Picks...
I have nothing against Callie's releases but lately they are very constant, and the items chosen are not very creative as they are always re-re-releasing the same things over and over. If we stop to count, we currently have about 8 different CP collections at plaza (or more), I think they could have taken advantage of the 50% sale and add these items!

Some of these items are easy to find, but others I think never were re-released, so it's a bonus. So far the only things I bought was  Gucci bag and shoes.

What are your thoughts about the items they picks for this one?

To close the week, we received a new Royalty store collection, this time it's avaliable for everyone, it's not limited for royalty users only as usual. Maybe because it's a tribute for queen Elizabeth.

I can think of someone who's might be very happy with this release 🤭 
What did you think of the queen's outfit choices for this collection? I love the dogs, but they look strangely giant!
Also, would be interesting if they had put her pal for sale as well...


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

(POLL/closed) Back to School - Euphoria Edition

 Hello to the most fashionable students from Stardoll Euphoria High!

Now it's time for you to vote and choose the best dressed for the first day of school, idk if you all dressed to study or to a catwalk, cause all the looks are D0PE!

As the entries were below 10 contestants, the number of winners will be 2, so you can vote for your top 2 looks in the following poll

Good luck everyone! 

Back to School - Euphoria Edition (Poll Closed)

Monday, September 12, 2022

Chat #177

A little late but here it is this week chat!

For this chat feature we have this amazing outfit from C.C. 

Please keep nominating your favorite outfits for the next chat feature using the #featurethis chat.

Friday, September 9, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº9


This week stardolls releases started with a new decor collection. Golden Sands came with two floors, with its usual fancy beach aesthetic.
Once again they don't released the store interior for sale and the prices are a bit salty... The bronze manta ray sculpture was given to superstar members as the weekly gift, so if you're ss don't forget to claim it (a free item is always good)

We can say that "it's better late than never" cause the wednesday release came waaaaaaaaay later, more than the new usual. But the wait was worth it: finaly the basics collection has arrived!
It have 96 pieces in total, 16 different items with 6 colors swatches each. To buy all pieces you'll have to spend 14034 starcoins, if you're royalty and have the 10% discount.

My fav items are the tulle skirt, sneakers, faux fur and mini skirt. The mid dress also looks cute, in other hand, the jeans and faux fur vest looks odd, in my opinion.
How long will you take to collect the sc to buy everything you liked from this basics collection?

And again for the last week's release we got ANOTHER LIMITED STORE!  At least they heard the users who were clamoring for Taylor's dress...

If they wanted to see people crying and complaining, they got it. With only 200 copies of each item, the mimi collection sold out in seconds.
I managed to buy Taylor's dress and sandals, the other dress the sleeves looked weird on my doll so I thought it was better not to spend on it as I probably wouldn't wear it.
Did any of you manage to buy something from this super limited or no?

I really hope that next week we won't be surprised by another limited


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Chat #176

 This week we don't have one but two featured dolls:

WildChrissie & khlo

Both of them styling the gorgeous Antidote jewlery dress. They made amazing looks, each one in theyr unique style 🖤

Please, don't forget to nominate your fav outfits using the #featurethis tag. xx


Friday, September 2, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº8

 Hope everyone had a great week so far, now it's time for our stardoll weekly recap...

I was in shock when I first saw the monday release, i wasn't expecting so bright colors in Millionaire Mansion but I LOVED IT!

This collection isn't the usual MM fashion style but lately seems that stardoll don't care too much about theyr brands aesthetic and is tagging them randomly just to bring new things to all the stores.
The boots will for sure be part of my boots collection, but I don't have an urge to buy them now as I have 180+ items in my room that I never wore.
 I also wish they had released the interior for sale...

The second release of the week was Pearls. The store came with 9 outfits in 2 floors, none of them for male dolls. The 3rd outfit in 1st floor is for sure my fav from this collection, it have such a rich housewife vibes!

Also, this thursday stardoll social media posted some pools for us to choose between two colors for the next basics clothes collection, as we had a decor recently, and we'll probably get it next week...

Have you voted for it? Which colors you're expecting to see? I personally wish they could add both shades of pink!

And once again we got another limited release on friday, tbh I was expecting this Young Hollywood with VMA's looks but I wish they could have picked better ones, in my opinion all these look ugly! 

Can't say I don't bought anything from this cause it would be a lie, as I ended up getting the black mini skirt and the handbag.

Do you liked the red carpet looks they released? Or would you pick any diferents? Also what are your impressions about the other releases this week?

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