It's time to take a trip back to the past!
If you're an old Stardoll member I'm sure you remember how the things used to be more simple, and all the exquisite trends of couse lol
To celebrate the old times, for this comp you have to create (or recreate) the perfect old school Stardoll look, beauty parlor included!
- you can't use any hair design item
- limited store or rare items aren't allowed (unless it's an old graphic item)
-post your outfit in the comments (please crop only your outfit without the decor, it save a lot of time whem I'm doing the poll) and include your doll name
- please include a closer look from your dolls face if you want a chance to get an extra reward
- you have to use your own doll (for beauty parlor reasons)
1st place: 50 sd
2nd and 3rd places: 25sd
+ Extra reward for the best beauty transformation
May, 19