Friday, May 29, 2020

More It Girls Recolors-Comp and WL Giveaway

Another round of It Girls recolors this friday...still no limited releases or any normal releases for that matter. Of course i'm still buying a bunch. lol.

What are you buying?
Are you sick of recolors?

-Style a MAIN CLOTHING item from this collection
-MAIN CLOTHING ITEM=TOP, BOTTOM, JACKET as a visible part of your outfit
-If you resize an accessory to be a main clothing item, that may be counted
-IF YOU ARE UNCLEAR ABOUT THE RULES, ASK A QUESTION BELOW OR MESSAGE ME ON SD (giniaparks) because I don't always get notifications
-List the name of the item/items you used
-Do not crop your outfit, show the entire outfit in the picture
-Can be made in Plaza
-Please include your username
-Minimum 15 entries
-Will be open for 10 days
-Prize: 50 Sd



Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Color Cycle: Task 3: Disney Theme

Color Cycle Task 2: - Disney Theme
Hi y’all!
Everyone who completed the last task is welcome to move on to the next!

Check your updated scores here!

For this cycle you are allowed to use any doll for the cycle, just make sure that they are not in the competition.

You are encouraged to use SCENERY, not to make a background but to be creative, combine, double up, and resize pieces.

Now for the task...

Task 3 Disney Theme
For this third task, you must choose one of the Disney princesses and create an outfit based on their traditional looks. DO NOT RECREATE THEIR OUTFITS.

You must state what Princess you choose.

If you use someone else's doll, be sure to state that.

You will be graded on:
- Color : Did you include the colors found in your princess' look? Did you minimized the use of other colors? (10 pts)
-Complexity: Did you do more than just put a top and bottom together? Did you step outside fo the box? (5pts)
-Cohesiveness: Do the pieces you choose flow together well? Are some bulky on the doll? Do the colors go well together? (5pts)
-Judges Choice: Would the judge grading wear this? (5pts)
-Did you state what palette you used? (2pts)

This task will close Tuesday, June 2nd at 11:59PM EST.

Any questions feel free to ask me on Stardoll (boookay), Facedoll (Alex Saab), or tag either me (Alex) or Jane (lolitka144) on here and we will respond!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Chat #67

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.  You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week! 

Congrats to...

Featured Member:

Nominated By:
llc_, Lili, YINNISTAR, Judyellafairy, breerox098, and Alex.

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.


Friday, May 22, 2020

New It Girls Recolors-Comp and Giveaway

Another Friday, another round of recolors. We are still not back to regular releases. And there's been so much drama going on about SD...I honestly don't know what's going to happen in the future. 
But until then, we have to work with what we have. 
What do y'all think of this collection?
It's rather large and there are a lot of colors of the same item. I bought quite a bit. I loved the Can I Reach Now shirt and the foldover bag and of course the Dior shoes.
What are y'all buying, if anything?
What kind of releases would you rather see?

-Style a MAIN CLOTHING item from this collection
-MAIN CLOTHING ITEM=TOP, BOTTOM, JACKET as a visible part of your outfit
-If you resize an accessory to be a main clothing item, that may be counted
-IF YOU ARE UNCLEAR ABOUT THE RULES, ASK A QUESTION BELOW OR MESSAGE ME ON SD (giniaparks) because I don't always get notifications
-List the name of the item/items you used
-Do not crop your outfit, show the entire outfit in the picture
-Can be made in Plaza
-Please include your username
-Minimum 15 entries
-Will be open for 10 days
-Prize: 50 Sd

Monday, May 18, 2020

Chat #66

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.  You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week! 

Congrats to...

Featured Member:

Nominated By:
Paraaaa, Alex, JanaStarlite, Feyza, Cosima and RlOT.

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.


Color Cycle Task 2: Color Palette

Color Cycle Task 2: - Color Palette
Hi y’all!
Everyone who completed the last task is welcome to move on to the next!

For this cycle you are allowed to use any doll for the cycle, just make sure that they are not in the competition.

You are encouraged to use SCENERY, not to make a background but to be creative, combine, double up, and resize pieces.

Also, I realize how hard it is to make an outfit solely based on one color so moving forward the tasks will be color based, but not just focused on one.

Now for the task...

Task 2: Color Palette
For this second task, you must choose one of the color palettes below and create an outfit. You MUST use at least 3 of the colors present, however it is encouraged to use all 5.

You must state what palette you use.

If you use someone else's doll, be sure to state that.

You will be graded on:
- Color : Did you use at least 3 of the colors in the palettes?(10 pts)
-Complexity: Did you do more than just put a top and bottom together? Did you step outside fo the box? (5pts)
-Cohesiveness: Do the pieces you choose flow together well? Are some bulky on the doll? Do the colors go well together? (5pts)
-Judges Choice: Would the judge grading wear this? (5pts)
-Did you state what palette you used? (2pts)

This task will close Saturday, May 23rd at 11:59PM EST.

Any questions feel free to ask me on Stardoll (boookay), Facedoll (Alex Saab), or tag either me (Alex) or Jane (lolitka144) on here and we will respond!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

9 to 5 Release and Comp (Closed)

Oh look! A kind of regular release? Perhaps inspired by Aura.'s creation of an old LV design, Stardoll has graced us with a 9 to 5 collection this week. Some questionable versions of essential workers uniforms...

Here's the Louis Vuitton look from 2008:
I'm not sure why SD couldn't achieve the correct texture or color. lol

What do y'all think of this release?
Are you buying anything?

-Style an item from this release; it's a sparse collection with little to work with, so I will accept the masks or Nurse's hat as the main item. :D
-Will be open for 10 days
-Please include your username
-Please include your entire outfit and do not crop the photo
-Any questions, please contact me on SD
-Prize: 50 sd


Monday, May 11, 2020

Chat #65

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.  You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week! 

Congrats to...

Featured Member:

Nominated By:
Alex, AlexandraHGE, and Giniaparks

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Color Cycle: Task 1

Color Cycle Task 1: - Monochromatic Ombre
Hi y’all!
We have almost 50 people that have signed up which is exciting! Everyone who signed up is allowed to compete in this cycle! One thing to note is that because there are so many people no feedback will be given unless you ask specifically for it.

For this cycle you are allowed to use any doll for the cycle, just make sure that they are not in the competition.

You are encouraged to use SCENERY, not to make a background but to be creative, combine, double up, and resize pieces.

Now for the task...

Task 1: Monochromatic Ombre
For the first task, I wanted to start with something a little easy. For this task, you must choose a color and create an ombre outfit from head to toe. You are NOT allowed to use white, gray, or black.

Ombre means start at a light color and go to a dark color.

You must state what color you used!

If you use someone else's doll, be sure to state that.

You will be graded on:
- Color : Did you minimize the use of colors outside of the main one you choose? Is the Ombre clearly present? (10 pts)
-Complexity: Did you do more than just put a top and bottom together? Did you step outside fo the box? (5pts)
-Cohesiveness: Do the pieces you choose flow together well? Are some bulky on the doll? Do the colors go well together? (5pts)
-Judges Choice: Would the judge grading wear this? (5pts)
-Did you state what color you used? (2pts)

This task will close Saturday, May 16th at 11:59PM EST.

Any questions feel free to ask me on Stardoll (boookay), Facedoll (Alex Saab), or tag either me (Alex) or Jane (lolitka144) on here and we will respond!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Cycle Sign-Ups!

Hi y'all!
I know some of us are still in quarantine and I wanted to bring another cycle to keep people entertained!

This cycle should last for about a month with there being 5 tasks each, and each task lasting for 6 days (a little longer than before).

Based off of Anna's (Armaniala) idea of doing single color outfits, each task will require outfits that are made based on one single color. There will be a theme to go with each outfit to make it a little interesting/challenging.

If you are interested in signing up sign-up below by answering these questions:

Name you would like to go by:
Stardoll Username:
Astrological Sign:
Favorite Fashion Designer/Brand:

Favorite Color:

If you are interested in becoming a judge please say so below or shoot me an email at

Similar to previous Cycle’s, a poll will be taken for a ‘people’s choice award’ each week. The winner will receive 100SD. There will be NO ELIMINATIONS, however you must complete each task on time in order to be able to do the next task. 

Even if you don't win in the end, if you are still in the cycle when it is over - you will win a prize depending on how you place. Below are the current prizes:

1st Place: 1 Month SS + 1000SD
2nd Place: 1 Month SS + 500SD
3rd Place: 500SD

This is a lot of info so if you have any questions let me know!

Sign-ups will close Thursday, May 7th at 11:59PM EST. The first task will be posted Saturday, May 9th!

Chat #64

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.  You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week! 

Congrats to...

Featured Member:
Nominated By:
JanaStarlite, Rimi (Rasrix), Yantan, Elisse, Anya-Samantha, Aniyah, Begüm, orpul-is-me9, Feyza, and  Alex

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.

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