Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Free Laced Umbrella and Pillow

 Hello dear SMW readers [:
How are you doing in this Tuesday?
Well I hope fine, but anyway stardoll today didn't make anything much for free, just 2 contests and both of giveaways are old items :S
[I have them both bough some time ago, yay for me]
But for those who luckily don't have them -

It's your chance :)

For the Free Black Laced Umbrella 
-If you live in Brazil: 
1)Log in stardoll and Simply Enter a stardoll contest HERE 
-If you don't live in Brazil
 You have to set a Brazil manual proxy like - 
IP Address: Port: 8080 Or 
IP Address: Port: 8080 Or 
IP Address: Port: 80 Or 
IP Address: Port: 80 
If these doesn't work for you, check HERE for others 
 How to set manual proxy? 
When you have set it - 
1)Log in stardoll, then Copy and Paste the contest link:  
2)Remember to wait till contest page loads (if it doesn't load, log out and back in and try to visit contest again, I had to refresh few times) 
3)Turn off the proxy Umbrella should be in a giftbox in your suite [:
Available till 11.02

For the Free Blue Pillow
-If you are from Poland, Enter a stardoll contest HERE
-If you aren't from Poland, Follow these steps:
1)Go to Poland web proxy like proxy.trash.pl/ OR ukryj.info/ OR proxyhideout.com/
2)In the blank box of proxy site Paste stardoll link:
3)Click GO/Idz/OK (it's up to proxy you use) OR just Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL/Address link box Paste the contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait till page loads,
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Pillow should be in a giftbox in your suite [:
Available till 07.02

PS. Pardon for not posting for some time - but I haven't been on SD much lately. (not more than few seconds) and even not today. Just sort of no time for anything that here. Anyways have a great time (:
And I hope stardoll will soon be back to free stuff making business because I miss those free-item-rain days :D


RobynisDreaming said...

The pillow is so cute and I love the umbrella thanks Ruth...

Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD] said...

Thanks for the tip!

RubyWhitmore said...

The pillow is ok, nothing special but it look cute with the room inspired by Pop shop but the umbrella...I love it! Thanks so much!

-zoeyspark said...

Looks quite funky! lol jk, it's quite nice and unique actually ;P

andreea9120 said...

I love that umbrella

Anonymous said...

I love that umbrella!

Unknown said...

I already have those items :) really cute :)

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

I don't have them but I'm in a rather lazy mood, so I won't get them. Thanks anyway! :-)

Miss M said...

Lol, I miss the good ol' days when we'd get like 5 free items per post, too :P

I like the umbrella, but I aint desperate for it so I think I'm gonna be leaving it out for now.


miley said...

cool thngs!!!

Sara said...

I won't bother to get them, though the umbrella was pretty cute :)

Natoustars said...

I've taken the 2 items, i ♥ them ^^

Rayko said...

I already have them.:]

Anonymous said...

Thanks- but I don't think I will get them. :D

AbiiBabeh..x said...

I like them I just don't use proxies

Nalco said...

The umbrella is cute, I'll try to have it.

skyler47 said...

cool I think ill get the pillow (: thanks!

DEMI_LOVANTO_2/ evanescenceakii said...

pretty nice! Thank you Ruth!

Unknown said...

The umbrella looks great and maybe I'll get it. :D Thanks for the tip and all the neccessary steps. :)

Erin said...

I kind of like the umbrella!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing :D

J-Lee Vuitton/Demi_lavato10 said...

Thanks :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you! (;

xoxo_angel13 said...

cool! i'll try to get them!

Carolyn (LonnaLang) said...

Thanks so much, I think I'll get the Umbrella soon. :D Gotta switch computers first though. xD

FlowerBlossom. said...

Thanks; the pillow is really cute! :)

niki-chick said...

thanks for that! (:

Daisy April Smith said...

Hmm, the umbrella looks cute, but I'm not so sure about the pillow. :P

prima.princess said...

Thnx. =]

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...


Cutiepie80 said...

Aww the pillow is sweet ♥

sailorlife4me said...

i just got the umbrella! love it! i'm wearing it actually

MissLyana999 said...

But i don't have the umbrella:((

Mihaela said...

Thanks :D I love that Umbrella but I already have it.Thanks,anyway!♥

Iovanca said...

i love the mubrella but i don't like using such web proxyes :D i'll get it from starplaza ;)

Anonymous said...

hmm i dont think ill be getting any

LaFee-supergirl said...

thank you!!! (:

Jane said...

I love the umbrella.

Hepyo said...

Thanks Ruth , i haven't posted anything for a while because of school and stuff but i'll be active again , i got the pillow,,=D

Anonymous said...

I like the items. I really like the umbrella . Thanks for the tips :)

Tammy_01 said...

I like it... thanks!

Jeremy! said...

I like the umbrella but I dont really like those type of proxys.

Fairydew said...

I like the umbrella..Not so the pillow :)

xXCO-COXx said...

got them, thanks! LOVE the umbrella, been wanting it for ages! xxx

Nico / FawnLove said...

I'm gonna pass on both, nothing special to me.

Esha ☺ said...

please please exept me for your writer!!! and btw luv your blog!!

Harsh26 said...

Cool, love the umbrella

Harsh26 said...

the pillow is nothing special

JanaStarlite said...

The pillow is cute and I will find something to do with it. But the lace umbrella IS THE BOMB!!
Thanks so much for all you do.

Tina said...


Anonymous said...

I don't realy like anything

ashleysstar said...

lovin' the umbrella :3

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