Hi [: How was your last day of February?
Stardoll had a busy day, they have made so many spring spoilers, maybe even a new theme or even a shop.
I personally love these blue&white navy themed clothes -
Also stardoll uploaded this month's HB's, first one (the brown fringe vest) arriving already tomorrow:
And some others, some seems as random starplaza items, but others are continuing blue&white nice-graphic clothes, AND two swimsuits[?]-
And some quite good graphic clothing
They look better than usually, stardoll graphic designers have finally put effort -
Seems as my fav dress (that pink one) and mic will be free, as thanks to BrowseinStardoll for tip, it's from "Hannah Montana Forever"-
So do you like the others?
What shop is this going to be?
Are you looking forward to get anything?
*I'll update this post if there will be more spoilers ^^