Sunday, September 26, 2010

TSS invites you...

 TSS (The Stardoll Shiner-Media Affiliate) invites all of join them this week in celebration of reaching their 1000 followers milestone!

Congrats to them! In honor of that they will be throwing various competitions through out the week. So visit them to join in on the fun!



FashionMan./Eamonn said...

Happy 1000 follower first comment

Miss_LolitaF said...

Thanks Jenna :)

JessicaVianaზ' said...

Congrats to them :)

Princess__17 said...

Once again: Congratulations, Lolly! Your blog is absolutly awsome, and you really deserve to have so much followers & readers! Good job!

Maddy/maddy65 said...

Congrats to them. They're blog is awesome(:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

uow they are a big blog

Blahm3 said...

so lucky :D

.emma.x. said...

Congrats x

Julia said...

Happy 1OOO followers!

Anonymous said...

Yay! cONGRATZ ON 1000 FOLLOWERS! I still can't get over how much I love that banner!

iloveanimals28 said...

Cool! I will be sure to check it out! And congrats to them, that is a LOAD of followers!

natasha-rox286 said...

Congratulations on getting
1OOO followers
Lolita and the crew
Great achievement

Tina said...

Congrats ;3

Miss M said...

Congrats! :D

Teo / Botsy_pink said...
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dianuseeek said...
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dianuseeek said...

Thanks for info :) I started to follow TSS :P

xoxo Dianusek

katara4 said...

wow.. 1000 followers.. thats a lot

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

Congrats (:

Katerina aka Dimitsuri said...

But I think I'll pass :)

Aušrinė ♥ said...

WoW :}

dieBrInI06 said...

Woah, 1000 follower are really a lot. Congrats!

AbiiBabeh..x said...

WOOP! Happy 1000 followers

Anonymous said...

congrats to tss :D

lacestockings/Mary said...

Congrats for reaching 1000 followers Lolita ;)

Mailgirl101 said...

Happy 1000 followers, you guys!

Unknown said...

Cool, thanks for letting us know!

Lettie97 said...

Congrats to them! I'm gonna enter their contests!<3

Lea said...


lady__gagaa said...

Congrats on 1000 followers :)


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