Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hello everyone we have a new shop on Stardoll, it's Game Zone. I love the shop, some pieces are really awsome. The prices are between 3 stardollars and 17 stardollars. Yesterday we saw these pieces on spoilers.

Do you intend to buy?



Iovanca said...

i won't buy anything! i don't like them!

Iovanca said...

pff.. first

Mailgirl101 said...

I am not sure if I will buy anything. The shop is big.. yet so little things.. I mean.. they need more.

JĂșlia said...

I want buy only pillows, maybe :)

lacestockings/Mary said...

They are so modern ;)
I love them ♥

Princess__17 said...

I don't like them that much, but it's a funny idea!

No-one in particular said...

I like the pacman stuff (x

lady__gagaa said...

Interesting shop, I may buy something. I like the lights :}


_JolieAnn_ said...

hihi game one shop :D rofl
game one is such a cool show :D
but i dont know if i will buy something

anaKonda said...

Maybe the furry pillows...maybe...

Unknown said...

They're expensive and ugly. They don't fit in my suite.

iloveanimals28 said...

Ehhhh, check out my blog! I was the first to post about those items!

--rihanna---- said...

dont like=(

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

PACMAN. ;D I won't be buying anything. Its not my style.♥

dieBrInI06 said...

I'll buy some pac man pieces. But I don't know where to put them in my suite yet.

Miss M said...

Nothing special..

Lettie97 said...

Nothing special. More clothes SD!

Cutiepie80 said...

I love the chairs but thats pretty much it........ ♥

Anonymous said...

i love them, i shall be getting some. it's so nerdy & cute. i really love the pac man pillows :]

Toni said...

Too game-ish for me :L

RachyFrank said...

I love a lot of this stuff because it brings back childhood video game memories, but I probably won't buy anything. There a difference between having warm nostalgic feelings about Pacman and Super Mario Brothers, and actually being tacky enough to decorate you suite with it, lol.

Julia said...

I don't really like any of it ://

Tina said...

I might buy some of my pillows(:

Mihaela said...

I`m not sure I will buy any :S Some of them are quite interesting,but :/

bellajella1997 said...

i don't like them.... clever but no...

natasha-rox286 said...

Like i said on the other post on your blog

Omg love PACMAN x]

QT_Yaz said...

not exciting.. bleh!

LaBeauty said...

They look really cute, but i dont know what i could do with them

especially the mario-items, nostalgic!!

Natoustars said...

've bought a lot of items and I made a room with them :)I LOOOOOVE this shop !!!

Anonymous said...

Like some things.
But it is too expensive for me.

Nico / FawnLove said...

LOVE pacman ^__^ I'm def getting tons from this store, I am a total nerd!

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