Saturday, July 3, 2010


Have you seen Eclipse yet? I saw it on Wed, opening day here is the USA. I have to admit I haven't been as into them as I was when like Twilight came out, so I wasn't too too excited to go, but boy was I wrong. I loved it. It was amazing and for once they kept pretty close to the book in storyline. I would definitely go see it again. So if you are at all a fan of the books or the series it is a must see. The trailers didn't do it justice. It's by far the best so far.

I went with a bunch of friend. The theater was packed. The only thing that would have made it better is if the lady who sat behind me would have shut up and stopped her constant stream of commentary ;P

WHAT DID YOU THINK? Oh and haters..there is no need to really comment..ya know.


Anonymous said...

I might see it today!
Ooh exciting, I'm on both teams :D

Maddy/maddy65 said...

I can't wait to see it!I heard it's the best one yet!
I'm seeing it on the 14th(:

Miss_LolitaF said...

I am going tomorrow to see it :)

Anonymous said...

I saw it yesterday! IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Imsub said...

I'll see it maybe next week. :) I'm most excited for this one because of the action.♥

I ♥ NY said...

I saw it on 12 p.m. Wed and I love it! The best film and Twilight part ever!

Mindy95 said...

It's Orrible! And boring. Twilight's films sucks!
The books are better! totally boring!

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


I don't know how you could say this movie is boring..because there is like no way.

and of course the books are better..they always are..

Exxa said...

Im Not a hater by any means :), Just not hyper about it :)
I thought the books were a good read, and i like films that keep the same storyline. I dont think im going to see it, but if you all love it, then i just might :)

Kylie/missricopenguin said...

I saw it like 2 hours ago! I loved it so much. Can't wait for the dvd (:

Anonymous said...

I saw when it premiered (30th of June) and on Thursday!
I cried so much haha :D

pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

YES!!!!!! It was amazing! And so funny when Jacob had to warm Bella! He's so hot! <33333333! I wanna see it again!

Anonymous said...

I saw it!! I had free tickets!! And I think it was stunning!! :DD


nicole24-7 said...

I don't even plan on seeing it d:
That sucks about the lady behind you ahhaha. I hate people like that :p

chocolatofreak said...

Ehh. lol.
Not a twilight freak.
Or even a twilight person.

So no, haven't seen it,
won't plan on seeing it (:

Queen-of-mean. said...

I watch it from the internet ! Its amazing !!

Ruth said...

Ehh if you say so :D
I'm going to seen it soon [:

Gabby1822 (Henna) said...

I saw it at like midnight and it was awesome!! I mean I know the movies are a little corny,but so what?! Anyways, I think the second one the best,but I still like all of them.

Gabby1822 (Henna) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Someone said...

7th of july is the day of it's opening here i think ;)
my sister is fudging excited about it she is dieing .. ;P

taranee25 said...

going to see it in monday!! exciteeed! :D

and of course that the film can't be better than the book. I read the book for the third time now, an it amazes me everytime. :D

Mary M. said...

Oh! Last summer I was such a Twiighter! I even had blog which was second at popularity in my country! I heard from everyone that "Eclipse" is the best but in my town we don't have a cinema anymore and in the near town all the tickets are sold! I'm so sad...I guess I'm gonna see it online or download it...

Anonymous said...

Not into it much. I may see it when it comes out on dvd. Some like Anne Rice better and compare her books to the twilight.
I think there's no compassion, but most are dying to see it.

The books are always better than film. Lol Jen, I know how you feel I don't like it when they yell at the screen. Or take up your armrest space or even dare to skip in line.


Anonymous said...

The Cgi and effects I heard are the best yet in this movie.


Rab92 said...

I Don`t Plan On Going To See It, I Doesn`t Appeal To Me.


Anonymous said...

Okay,okay...Twilight and co. are the worst movie ever.My opinion...
It there a problem?

Anonymous said...

I hate Twilight , So no - I will go graffitising posters with my friends tomorrow though (:

Miss M said...

OMG! You lucky thing! It's not out in Britain yet besides the advanced screenings, and I can't see them because of weddings in the family. It releases here on the 9th, and I am meant to see with my Mum's mate (I think!) Was meant to go on 10th, but she can't take me because her family's visiting. And the week after, I have another wedding. So might go the week after. Hopefully. I've seen the trailers and the sneak peeks, and it really looks amazing! It won Most Anticipated Film of the Year, and I am sure its easy to tell why! 1 have to disagree with one thing you've said: I'm more in to it now than I was at the beginning. But I don't think that it was fair that Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner went to the LA release but not the London one. Especially as Robert is British. Oh well. And I don't really understand how a person hates Twilight. Team Edward all the way! <3 X

Tammy_01 said...

I haven't seen it yet... it came out the 30th here in South Africa... I'm not so excited to see it, becuase the Twilight saga is just to boring to me, but maybe I'm wrong.

Prinzessa said...

Also saw it 30/6 but didn't like it. (too much bloody scenes..) but ofc, taylor was veeery good looking :D

Mailgirl101 said...

I dont like twilight, not gonna watch it. x.x

876540276478302 said...

Its not out till the 9th here but i so can't wait to see it we are going next weekend to see it hopefully

Vanessa/Winter4543 said...

I watched it yesterday. :) It was pretty good.! I would go on talking about my favorite parts, but I'd spoil it for everyone =X Lol ;]

Lauren Keeley said...

I saw it today, I didn't think it was that amazing but it's better than the first 2.
Riley is SO hot, I was gutted when he died :(

.emma.x. said...

i am quite excited to see it but i think that the movies in no wat at all reflect how amazing the books are!
:) hope everyone enjoys it

hannah-black said...

I just saw it today!!!! OMG! Awesomest movie ever! Ok, all we could say were comments like " Jacob! Back off!! That's Edward's Girl!" or, " They're gonna make out! Omg! " repeatedly..... Plus last night, my friends and i watched twilight, then new moon. plus, plus : Eclipse was my fav book cuz i love the werewolves....... Hot Stuff......

Chicago3 said...

I saw it today and I loved it!!!! Unlike the first 2 movies, this one was good.

Anonymous said...

I saw it yesterday and it was really, really good.
My favourite out of the three movies released so far.
Yeah no need for those hater comments !!

I'd see it again and I'm going to buy the DVD when it comes out !

Unknown said...

I read and watched the first part and it was horrible. :/ The book is poorly written and the movie isn't much better - so no way am I spedning time on that again. :D

little.miss.28 said...

I went last night... I always wanted Bella and Edward to be together but after seeing Eclipse, Jacob is the most amazing human being on this earth haha (not literally, but its possible haha)

Anyways, i dont think it was the best but it was quite amazing.

I went last night, im going again tomorrow and then again sometime next week haha

xx little.miss.28

All About Satrdoll said...

I've seen it three times now!! LOVE IT!!

Anonymous said...

It was Ah-mazing sooo great am the like the biggest Twi-hard ever I have read all the books like 90 times so awesome!!!

Wenqi said...

omg i so totally want to i might go tomorrow or sometime next week

Anonymous said...

I am not a Twilight fan, and I can confess I just hate it! Surely I'm not going to watch it (only dead)! X_X

RihannyX said...

I was on the premier of Eclipse (in our country) and i LOVED it!!! It's absolutly fantastic and i have to see it again and again... :D
Everything was so amazing!!

Anonymous said...

i seen on 30 of july !!!

Anonymous said...

It's not out till the 9th here in England but I am a real Twilight fan- I've read all the books- so I'll see it on the first day!

Cherri Blossom said...

ooh yay! i cant wait im going tomorrow!! so excited!

dasha463 said...

In my country its out on 9th of July.
I am so going to see it!
Me and my BFF will buy tickets tomorrow,I can't wait!


No-one in particular said...

Saw it the other day,
It`s better than the first 2 films,
But not nearly as good as the books ;D

Leia1810 said...

i didn't saw it yet.. I am not excited about it that much anymore..

Unknown said...

Ha ha I've seen it and loved it. I agree with you on the "excitement" part. I loved, it's the best so far!

BershkaGirl601 said...

I've seen it!
It's incredibly amazing, the best one yet!
Taylor Lautner thinks this was the best one of the saga:)

Eva said...

I saw it yesterday. It was a-w-e-s-o-m-e. My heart was beating like crazy when it started. And me and my bff were commenting it all the time out loud and made everyone laugh. Like when Victoria died, I was like "Haha is this supposed to be sad? 'Cause it's freakin' funny" lol. It seriously was. It was a mix of romance, comedy, action and I absolutely loved it. ♥ (Especially when Jacob took his shirt off, but it was ok in general too :))


Cutiepie80 said...

I'm just back from Seeing it,Here in Ireland it comes out July 9th but special premieres are on July 3rd and 4th. My favourite film of the three so far! Cant wait or Breaking Dawn.

PapaPaparazzi said...

I'm probably gonna see it next thursday. (:

Elligrig13 said...

I've seen it on the 1st of July!
I loved it! It's amazing! ♥

Elligrig13 ♥

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

I have the book /!! so cool #!

FatimaaaaaL said...

i dont really like twilight but im thinking of watching eclipse!

Vicky(s) said...

OMG*-*I love it.very very love it:)))

I saw it on Friday,and it was fantastic*-*


love Twilight♥

Anastasia Green said...

I haven't seen it yet ..but can't wait to see it ...some of my friends told me that it's much better then others ..but some told me that the first movie is better ..


Anonymous said...

it's not in the cinemas in Estonia yet :(
I've waiting for it so badly :S
going to see it like, in this week's end or so, friday ? :)

Abb_kate said...

I'm never going to see it.

Lea said...

I want to see that movie, but I don't know what time I can watch Eclipse..

Miss M said...

Actually, a quick update from my prev. Comment. I HAVE SEEN IT!! My mum's mate kept it a surprise and She took me to the advanced screenings here in UK. It was still packed!Gawd, it was freakin amazing!! I just wanted to watch it over and over and over again! Will definitely be getting it on DVD. It's so gonna be worth it. This one is my fav. Team Edward all the way!!

Cali_Beauty said...

It comes out of the eighth over here, I'll probably go see it soon. It's a 2 hour drive though. lol. But I did it to go see New Moon and had a fun day. (x

kelly8829 said...

ISAW IT ON OPING DAY IN THE USA I LOVED ITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The only vampire show I can get into is Vampire knight and Trinity blood. But I heard True Blood is also good. I'll see Eclipse some day.


arna-rut said...

seen it two times so far

Anonymous said...

Yeah i saw Eclipse couple days ago.OMG its just great.I like when wolfs and vampires fighting together with the Newborgns Army.I definrtly see it again.

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