First stardoll announcement this week, made on theyr Instagram, was about MSW, they choose this years colors and they will be red and white.
And Here's the logo recolor for this years MSW campaing:
Any thoughts about the color scheme choice? Would you pick any different color? Have you you sent them an idea, what color it was? I entered this comp and suggested a purple color, but well... Seems like, in the end, they only picked the most mentioned color (at least it wasn't yellow 🥴)
Now, starting this week in a full halloween mood, Stardoll released a new Fallen Angel collection. The pieces have a halloween couture aesthetic.
Some pieces have male and female versions and the prices aren't very expensive, like some recent releases.
I liked a lot the studded jacket and the bloody necklace can be very useful for some halloween costumes.
The second weekly release was MstQ, bringing some eye lens, different shapes of ears and some jewelry, also halloween related items.
I'm obsessed with the ears, and with the fact they made a huge skin color palette for them!
The eyes are interesting, I like to use these type of eyes in my Sims but I think I'll pass them here in Stardoll... At least for now.
This week we also had the reveal of the mysterious prize that the winners of the msw color comp won... I won't say anything but show it to you all:
The sashs were a nice gift but the dress looks like something rejected for basics... Stardoll could do better for them!
Idk if they got more anything besides this but I hope so.
To finish the week, we received a Peaky Blinders collection, under the WotW brand.
It's a single window with 3 outfits only, one male and two for female dolls body fitting.
They used this as a UK inspired collection but I think UK fashion have so much more to offer! Anyways, thats what we had for this week on this game. What are your impressions from all the releases?