Monday, October 31, 2022

Chat #183

Hello dolls! We're starting this chat in the last day of october and from tomorrow on will be november, can you believe we're only two months away from next year? 2022 is going so fast!

This week the featured beauty is...

 Ashleigh; The Elder Wizard

Don't forget to nominate your favorite posts, using #featurethis, for the next chat!


Friday, October 28, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº16

 This week began the long-awaited MSW contest! 

And it came with a long list of bugs, of course... To mention some of them: 

1. When they first add the voting button it was "running away" when you tried to click on it, at least they fixed this quickly;

2. The free promotion items not showing in room when you opened the shoping bags, it was like this for a couple of days. Other than the fact that they aren't creative enough to make new MSW freebies, some items are kind of cute tbh.

 3. A random crown in shopping that you can't buy. I love it, hope it's a freebie for an upcoming comp, as it isn't one of the MSW winners prize.

4. And the last, and my favourite, you can buy this ugly recolored helmet for a bargain!

If you noticed any other bugs related to this, please share in the comments.

Now, let's see what matters in all the competitions: THE PRIZES!

Okay, I can't remember the previous years prizes but I think they never gave a 12k sd before, pls correct me if I'm wrong... The crown looks interesting but poorly done, the dress set is cool, but is it good enough to be the great winner prize? Idk.

Now, the 2nd place, wich I call the real winner dress. I think it's the everyone's favourite dress, from what I've seen... The crown also looks decent. The 2nd place will be the real winner. 
Now, the 3rd place tiara isn't much my taste, wish they had done something that looked more like a tiara than a headpiece. The dress is interesting but I think it's fit more for a regular store release than as a prize for MSW, but anyways, Im not running so my opinion is kinda not valid lol

There's no news in for the semi-finalist and finalist prizes, as we can see above.

Following the MSW prizes announcement, we got the MSW store release, like every year. There's 2 floors, with 11 mannequins, only one being male.

This time the collection isn't all about gown and fancy dresses, what is good, but the items are kinda meh... I only got 3 items from all the collection and I think I won't buy anything more. Also, I don't think people will not use any of the pieces to create their MSW outfits.

On wednesday we got the 2nd part of the MSW store, this time with decor items. The store also have two floors, one with a fancy bathroom aesthetic and the other one more like a gala party.

I liked more this part of the store than the clothes one, but I wish here they had included the interior for sale.

On a note: it came to my knowledge that if you go now and click again in the "deliver to my suite", you'll receive the MSW freebies in your room without the bug and it worked!

But the thing is, the old shopping bags still remain in you room with the brokem items... So it's up to you try it or no.

And for the last release of the week we got... guess what!?


More two floors of clothes were add this friday, with a more fancy and glitter items. At least this time we have more jewelry variety.

The wings is the meaning of that "graphic design is my passion" meme lol I wish the person who did this could do properly the feather texture.I think the only item I truly liked from this part of the store is the jewelled dress.

Idk if I should ask this but here I go: what's you favourite release of this week?


Monday, October 24, 2022

Chat #182

 Have an amazing week week everyone! Can't believe it's already the last week of october...

This week's featured is:


Don't forget to nominate your favorite posts, using #featurethis, for the next chat! 



Friday, October 21, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº15

 As the MSW colors were announced last week I thought this would start this monday but instead we're keeping the halloween mood with a new Kitsch release, with decor items only.

Now, I have a question for you all: what does a banana, an ice cream and a biscuit have to do with halloween? It's a serious question, because I can't see any relation of these items with the rest of the release! Besides these, all the other items are great for the season, especially the window ghost.

Callie's all about trick or treats this week, as this tuesdaysome dolls received a "MSW coming soon" banner in their inboxes while other haven't... Why this happened and what it means? IDK! (I was one of those who haven't received the doll mail, have any of you got it?)

The following release was Callie's Picks but this time decor, named "Eerie Halloween Night", all I have to say that the name fits perfectly for this as they curated the most random stuff, none of the items seems to fit for a collection.

Also, most of these items leaved plaza recently but at least they have really decent prices. There's one item that's for superstar only, the Scraps dog, from The Corpse Bride movie, I wish they had included more items from The Corpse Bride bride collection as some more items from The Nightmare Before Christmas, as we only had some of them in the last year's CP's halloween collection.

On thursday I finally (?) received the most expected mail from the season

It's real and it's coming, time to some of you close your guestbooks!
event will probably start next week, on monday maybe, as early this friday we received a notification of a top up offer: 50% more stardollars in selected packages

For some hours I thought this would be all we would get on friday, but then, suddenly, and a lil late, Stardoll surprised me with the actual friday release: Tingling. The collection have a Tingeling Halloween Couture aesthetic but in the tag we can only see the tingeling old logo.

I personally LOVE this collection! It's my fav halloween collection from this season so far. The "top rib" reminds of the one released lasw week on Fallen Angel, anyone also feel the same?
But anyways... My only real complaint is that the male orange outfit kinda distone of the red/black/white/gold collor tone of all other items.

I know some of you aren't into halloween stuff but let us know if you liked any of this weeks items,  if you can use any of them to make a non halloween related look or decor.


Monday, October 17, 2022

Chat #181

 Hope everyone had an amazing weekend and ia ready to start another week!

In this chat we're featuring


With this very creative outfit inspired by the steampunk aesthetic.

Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks using the #featurethis


Friday, October 14, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº14

First stardoll announcement this week, made on theyr Instagram, was about MSW, they choose this years colors and they will be red and white.

And Here's the logo recolor for this years MSW campaing:

Any thoughts about the color scheme choice? Would you pick any different color? Have you you sent them an idea, what color it was? I entered this comp and suggested a purple color, but well... Seems like, in the end, they only picked the most mentioned color (at least it wasn't yellow 🥴)

Now, starting this week in a full halloween mood, Stardoll released a new Fallen Angel collection. The pieces have a halloween couture aesthetic.
Some pieces have male and female versions and the prices aren't very expensive, like some recent releases.


I liked a lot the studded jacket and the bloody necklace can be very useful for some halloween costumes.

The second weekly release was MstQ, bringing some eye lens, different shapes of ears and some jewelry, also halloween related items. 

I'm obsessed with the ears, and with the fact they made a huge skin color palette for them!
The eyes are interesting, I like to use these type of eyes in my Sims but I think I'll pass them here in Stardoll... At least for now.

This week we also had the reveal of the mysterious prize that the winners of the msw color comp won... I won't say anything but show it to you all:

The sashs were a nice gift but the dress looks like something rejected for basics... Stardoll could do better for them!
Idk if they got more anything besides this but I hope so.

To finish the week, we received a Peaky Blinders collection, under the WotW brand.
It's a single window with 3 outfits only, one male and two for female dolls body fitting.

They used this as a UK inspired collection but I think UK fashion have so much more to offer! Anyways, thats what we had for this week on this game. What are your impressions from all the releases?


Friday, October 7, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº13

To start october in a good mood, stardoll released an amazing It Girls collection. The store have some great items, some of them were wore by members of K-Pop groups, wich are the trends of the moment, so I think it was the perfect choice for the "It Girls" brand.

My fav item from this collection is for sure the Crystal Chain Harness, the Black Heavy Boots also looks really good, I'll probably add them to my boots collection as well.

We had another Instadoll surprise this week: stardoll team is asking users to give color ideas for this year MSW campaing.

We can see they promised a mysterious prize for the winner, do you have any idea of what could it be? Cause I have not 🤔
So far they haven't announced a deadline for this comp, so if you're planning to participate you better run!
Accessing the # on Instagram we can see the colors red and yellow are the most mentioned, idk how Stardoll team will do to choose the winner if one of those colors are chosen...

As we're in halloween season, one thing came back to haunt us: Callie's Picks 💀
This time with a collection called "A colorful october" but it could easily be named "october nightmare".

This said, I'll probably be buying the black boots and the two hot buys bags 🤭

We know sometimes weird items appear in the front page as new items, but this time it was more weird... As this subcouture dress named "DO NOT USE" popped up.

I'm pretty sure this item is from an old collection but I couldn't find a pic if it in the store... When I tried to buy it said the item is only available for superstars. It will probably be gone in some hours, like all the other bugs of this type.

A very bold and interesting release closed this weeks releases on stardoll. A new Museum Mile collection featuring some artsy, and overpriced, pieces.

I have my eyes in the manequim and in the statue crying gold, other than that idk how to use any other item in a room decor...

So, you can pretend Callie's Picks don't exist and choose your favorite release from this week between It Girls and Museum Mile, are you a decor or style person?


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Chat #180

 Great new month everyone! 

The spooky season is starting 👻🎃

And for our first october feature...


She's wearing this spectacular outfit with pearls dress from latest subcouture release, it's so fancy and mysterious that fits perfecty with the season!

Please don't forget to nominate your favorite looks this week using the #featurethis

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