Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bye Robots, Bye

There is a point in our lives where our interests change and our energy flows another way. My interest have long changes, you rarely see me on stardoll anymore this isn’t among my interest now. My energy flows to what brought me here, fashion, but was then put on the background. Stardoll gave me a sense of style mixing those virtual clothes making different combinations and now I am trying to do the same in real life. It was back in September that I created a fashion blog of its name “The Fashion Robot” you can take a look at it here: You know me always making publicity but the true is I don’t fucking care, pardon my tongue. 

Now if do want to follow me or contact me you know where to find me. I haven’t made many friends here, but we never have many true good friends. To those people close to me I just want to tell them I love them very much and to the others not close I like them too

 I guess this was just me officially saying goodbye but having already long left.

Friday, March 16, 2012

New doll is back !!

Hi !
I feel that there is something missing in my life and today i have noticed what is it. I want to apologize because i hadn't posted here in ages. So .. today stardoll added new doll for young model and actress she is 13 years old from Georgia !!

 The graphic could be much better especially the hair color so i will rate it 3.5 out of 5 

 Mary Elle Fanning (born April 9, 1998), credited as Elle Fanning, is an American actress and singer. Elle Fanning currently stars in the movie We Bought a Zoo, which premiered on December 23, 2011. She is the younger sister of actress Dakota Fanning and mainly known for her starring roles in Phoebe in Wonderland, Somewhere and Super 8.

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