
Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Divali & Bonfire Night!

Hello wonderful readers :D
Happy Divali and Bonfire Night!
(2 different festivals, they're on the same day this year :P)
I've just been checking on Stardoll,
and I can't really see anything to do with the festivals,
So that's a shame :S

For those of you who don't know,
I'll explain a bit about them for you here :D

1. Bonfire/Guy Fawkes Night  
It is traditionally celebrated in the United Kingdom,
but over the years, many other countries began to celebrate it aswell.
It's in 'memory' i guess of a man named Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the English Parliment (AKA, the 'Gunpowder Plot')
back on the 5th November 16O5.
People often burn dummies made of cardboard or something that represent Guy Fawkes,
And most people also do fireworks displays :D

2. Divali /Deepavali
Divali is an Indian festival and it is the Festival of Lights. It is celebrated in Hindiusm, Sikhism (me :L) & Jainism.
People often light many lamps and candles (i just got back from lighting quite a few at the Gurdwara, and we currently have loads around the house ;D) and we eat loads of sweets and wear new clothes etc.
We also light fireworks and stuff on Divali aswell(:
Happy Diwali 2009 Images
Not really to do with stardoll,
But I just thought this trivial post might interest you ^^

Leave me your thoughts/opinions on anything to do with this post in comments :D

Varinder | vpurple


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds coll ^.^ We don't have this in Germany *sighs*

  3. Yes,we have talked about this in school...I think Divali is a nice festival. All these lights *awesome*

    We dont celebrate that in Germany :/ Both of the festivals.

  4. I don't celebrate divali, but I love the whole them of it. And I love bonfire night too. I mainly look at the fireworks from my window. ;L♥

  5. There's a family down the road that's got lights up for Divali ;]

    I can hear the fireworks going off now x]] Personally, I don't set them off. But they're nice to look at :DD

  6. Im from the UK and we do celebrate bonfire night.. i hear fireworks all night long! I usually go to a display but i didnt this year because i wanted to stay in with my kitten :)

  7. Bonfire night in England is amazing! Ive just been to a massive fair with amazing fireworks with my friends, great fun!

  8. I don't agree with celebrating this on stardoll or else every country & every nationality would want every little thing celebrated. The divali celebration sounds cool like an indian theme & items in starplaza. But how many members who live in india are on stardoll? I think stardoll uses statistics & representation. I live in the UK & guy fawkes is not a major celebration it's just fireworks. And I think stardoll.tom already represents asian festivities. A bollywood theme would be good I love the outfits & jewellery.

  9. hey, i am indian and i celebrate diwali, thxx for puting it up here to share something about my culture. :)

  10. @ Anonymous no.2
    "But how many members who live in India are on stardoll? " Honey, you would be surprised. Stardoll has 80M members, where do you think most of them are from? Try India, China and Japan...just to mention those with the highest population rate. And btw, not long ago we had the month of Ramadan celebration, tell me how many Islamic members do you think Stardoll has?
    Moving to post subject. One of the things I'm most attracted by in India are the beautiful festivities they have during the year, Diwali being one of my favorites. So wish I was there this time of year...Has for Bonfire Night, I had heard of it before but never really knew it was related to Guy Fawkes.
    Since these two festivities all have in common fireworks, you are all invited to come to Portugal cuz no one makes fireworks better than us...well, maybe the Chinese, maybe...I still need proof on that :D

  11. happy diwali!! my neighbourhood is celebrating it right now! i love to watch those fireworks :D i'm frm india but i'm a i don't celebrate diwali..nevr heard of bonfire night..

  12. A guy in my class went to London on Thurday to see the Guy Fawkes thing yesterday/.
    It all sounds very cool!

  13. guy fawkes night isnt really called that anymore but it's cool you called it by its official name. we were worried here cos we thought firemen were gonna strike and we'd all be in trouble. they didn't though. phew :)

  14. Soundts cool.:] But we don't have this in my country.:[

  15. I LOVE Bonfire night ! We have firework displays and everything !

  16. Looks sooo pretty *.* Wish we would celebrate that in Croatia :)))


  17. It's really nice to know something about other culturs and traditions :) nice post!

  18. tht sounds really kool!
    sounds like you had lots of funn

  19. I never heard of Guy Fawkes Night but i wish to celebrate Diwali on my country

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Happy diwali & bonfire night!!! I am from India & its one of the most important festival. Its really sad that they havent launched something related to these festivals, even bonfire night! It would have been interesting & I am sure they could have atleast put up some crackers & diyas on the suite shop.

    But I truly enjoyed the day. We had sweets, burnt crackers, worshiped & wore a traditional emerald green dress! :)

    Some visuals of diwali decorations of my city:

  22. last night there was fire-works and ALOT of pretty lights. :)
