
Friday, November 5, 2010

National covergirl

Hello dear readers!
For those who were asking and don't understand how National covergirl works, stardoll sent us a message explaining! Well, the girl of each country who receive more votes, is crowned the winner of national covergirl. The most voted of the winnersofthis countries, is crowned the covergirl. It is simple, if you want to be NC, be sure that u have more votes than any other girl of your country!


  1. I got the message, too! I think it's a great idea and it's easier to win NCG than CG.

  2. seen it,
    now i'm getting floods of msgs of people telling me to vote for them ;//

  3. Great Idea. I really want to be the German National Covergirl :)

  4. I've seen it. But literally EVERYONE I know on stardoll is running for it. It's annoying getting messages on chat all the time saying 'Vote me *insert country* NCG.' ;3 I hope the hype dies down soon. ;D♥

  5. I got the dollmail.
    I like the idea ;D It can be a bit too complicated though. But it gives more people a fair chance. They had something like this before, right?

  6. I'm the National Covergirl Morroco for 03/11/2010, woooow i feel soooo happy!! good luck girls!!

  7. I like this, now more girls will be able to get the 'covergirl' title [:

  8. Gratz Sohasal!
    I saw you won for Morocco I was very happy for you :)
    Btw, thx for explaining. Haven'T got mail yet so still wasnt sure how it was done. Ppl in the beginning where saying it was thro activity points, which I thought was kinda of a strange way to account a competition winner...

  9. i got the message :D
    it's a a great idea. nw we can win covergirl easily!

  10. Yes, I've been national covergirl. I was national covergirl on 03.11.2010 on behalf of the Turkey. A very nice thing.
    Step: Aisley.Emily

  11. I also got the message lol. xD

  12. The thing I don't understand is, do people from YOUR country only get to vote you for CG, or maybe everyone can vote you?


  13. i got tht too!! lol, its kind of a good idea for those who never get a chance

  14. To JENNA,
    Sorry, I'm not leaving my name because, I will admit it, I'm scared. When I say what I have to say, I know everyone'll be jumping down my throats, and I don't think I can handle that. I know you might think me a coward for that, but I guess you just don't know what kind of emotional stress I've recently gone through in life.

    Your blog is...I dunno...falling behind or something. I don't know what way to describe it exactly, but your followers don't really comment if it's not got something in for them, and I can see around 10-20 followers who have stayed reading your blog and commenting over the past year or two.

    I know you're trying your best; please don't get me wrong. You've done an awesome job, and that's why this blog is here today. But I think that you need to pass it on now. Sarah and Filipa don't write much, nor does John. I think that your real life is getting in the way, because you've not posted in ages. You need someone who posts AND comments often to take over, like Ruth.

    Sorry for being Anonymous "/

  15. if you want free superstar you must register here and if you are from us you will get it wery soon becose there are all ways how to earn points. you will need just some minutes for your ss code...look!!you will see just register

  16. I think it's Awesome!!!

    I really wanna be German CG :)

  17. cool Idea xx

    Visit me .. IM CALLED mozza69
