
Monday, July 28, 2014


Last week Ms.Brigitte revealed the newest hotbuys for August. We were all shocked to see the Sh!t happens shirt and couldn't believe that Stardoll would release such an item. Well.... they're not. 

Stardoll either saw peoples reaction or just change their mind at the last minute. Either way the new shirt is now a Monster tee. 

What?! IMO it went from bad to worse. Ok... well maybe not. I guess that BROWN **** monster is cuter than the pile of crap on the other shirt, but not by much.  It is definitely one hb that I will not be buying or having a poll for..

What do you think of the shirt change? Will you be buying it?

Thanks RadicallyVal for letting us know!


  1. I hate both versions, but I'd rather have the ***t happens.

  2. Eh, not gonna buy it now. Looks like a sucky star design tee that I could buy for 6sd. I would have bought the 💩 happens shirt. They should have changed it to the white girl emoji though hahaha 💁

  3. They both look like NOT buys, they deserve to be included in my imaginary "Worst HotBuys Ever" hall of fame :P the shit emoji is extremely cute btw and I use it quite often via message but come on, I wouldn't wear it :D anyone could create these patterns in StarDesign anyway, I expect to see some after this scandal...

  4. That's the point, I've just spotted this masterpiece too :D
    I wonder if stardoll can come up with a fair reason to ban the pile designs after all...

  5. I wouldn't buy that t-shirt even if it was plain white, so it's a big no-no for me. I prefer when Stardoll destroys RL designer works than when they get "creative"...

  6. I think the monster t-shirt is inspired by this Domo Kun t-shirt

  7. Same thing here. I don't like the new design at all. At least with the 'shit happens' one you could maybe just buy it as a joke. This new one... well, why would I want it now? I don't even know what this Domo thing is, is it supposed to be cute? Is it something that just doesn't exist here? I've never seen it before so why would I want too spend money on this shirt.

  8. I dont see a difference its a poo popstical :)

  9. OMG DOMO!!! :D AHHHHH!!!!
    In my opinion the shirt is better off plain than with a print. xP

  10. This.change.was.unecessary.
    Stardoll never listens to us, but when some 4 year olds are whining about a word that means poop, they LISTEN?

  11. Not necessary at all, the new one is ugliest

  12. well it still does NOT look like a hotbuy!

  13. The ugliest hb on sd ever. I'd prefer it in a plain version.

  14. WHUT?! Seriously stardoll the new one is uglier and not as funny!
    I really wanted to see the reaction to the Sh!t happens shirt!
    Maybe they'll change it again!

  15. Jenny-boo/lahurinaJuly 29, 2014 at 6:09 AM

    I still have no idea what were the thinking u.u
    It's clearly that the summer holidays are on and Stardoll staff is bored.

  16. I didn't liked it before and I don't like it now. I don't understand why they bothered changing it since all the stardoll community has already seen this shirt after all. Better desicions next time :P

  17. me too i don't like it before and after :))

  18. I mean, it's somewhat better, considering that now it's completely family friendly. Although I am not exactly satisfied about a basic white shirt being sold as a hotbuy...
    To me it's like Kanye West selling his designer white shirts for 120 USD, all the respect for the musician, but I don't think that a single shirt could be sold for that much cash.

  19. You know what the real shame is? If this was a plain white T-shirt it would've been awesome - the shape is adorable but both designs are revolting.

  20. I worked out how they can fix this... take away the shirt completely, and add a pair of shoes! Problem solved!
    (Also, somehow disqus won't let me turn off italics for my comments...)

  21. Has a former hotbuys collector, i think this clothes are just losing quality and getting more expensive!

  22. the change wuined the shirt for me .so would have bought the s it happens tee, because its edgy and fun, but the new one is kinda kiddish.

  23. I think it's better but i still don't like the shirt, won't be buying.

  24. I think the shirt is slightly better with the monster, but I will definitely will not be purchasing it.

  25. I'm buying the new shirt.
    Who doesn't love Domo?

  26. i didnt like the shirt originally - it was a bit distasteful (for lack of a better word) - but i dont particularly like the new version either

  27. I don't like either shirt. although I feel like the second shirt was a mistake as well. It doesn't looks right for the type of shirt. In fact at this point, I'd rather the hotbuy be the plain tee shirt. The original shirt looked fine honestly, and wasn't too big of a deal. I know a lot of people weren't thrilled with it, but it's better than this one. I also can't believe hotbuys anymore. They don't have the same vibe they did years ago :\ Kind of sad.

  28. Agreed. Also the the coloring on it looks off. It looks like a last minuet design for them...

  29. Agreed!!!!! yes! A pair of sandals or regular heels. UGH! stardoll needs more people to talk about this! :D

  30. I agree. The tee shirt plain is adorable! :D

  31. I still dont like the shirt and I still will never buy it! haha

  32. WOW you are so right

  33. actually it does!

  34. right? It's much better than having something on it. :D XD

  35. Meh, at first I didn't like the S it happens tee. I didn't like the shape of the shirt, it would have been better as a crop top, but then I wanted to buy it as I thought it was funny that Stardoll would release something like that. The new design is just awful. I really don't like it. Oh well, at least I get to save my money :)

  36. yeah, they definitely changed it last second due to the controversy

  37. I had literally never even heard of Domo before I googled it.

  38. Jenny-boo/lahurinaJuly 30, 2014 at 4:02 AM

    Thank you :*

  39. I don't like either of the designs, but at least Stardoll realised that to put out the first one would have been hypocritical of them, when it would have immediately been reported, if you made it as your own desing.

  40. Oh, girls come on it's just one t-shirt... besides the poops is something like strange trend I think there is an app in the AppStore it's call Pou :D You can care for a little poo :D
