
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

August Hot Buys - UPDATED!

I cannot write much about these, I think most of them are wearable and quality items. However, I must say that sh!t happens tee really surprised me :D Sometimes I just don't understand what's going on in the staff's head.

Let me hear your opinion, are there any must-haves in this selection?

RL versions

Mara Hoffman belt and Cleobella bag

 Carolina K dress and top

One Teaspoon jeans


  1. m-must haves? i think there arent any here. The clothes are simple, but nothing remarkable... And that shit happens tee.. I dont know anymore

  2. I'm really not sure what to say about these. I do know that I would never wear the tee shirt with the crap on it. The brown shoes will be released on my birthday which is cool. I just hope they look good. But really these clothes are just boring.

  3. Jenny-boo/lahurinaJuly 23, 2014 at 9:07 AM

    Um....... I'm still..procesing these items in my head 0.0 That shirt with the poop on it is quite disturbing :(
    Not impressed,I would expect better.
    No comment u.u

  4. I'll probably buy the hard rock tee and maybe the ripped jeans. .... and the poop shirt is just .●.

  5. Nothing excites me to be fair, but can't wait to see what they actually look like

  6. You know, before I was kind of cynical about these Hotbuys. The Hotbuys Ripped Rock Denim Jeans, the Hotbuys Leather Laces Skirt, the Hotbuys Hard Rock Top and the Hotbuys Woven Ikat Belt are actualy kind of nice. I actually can't wait for when the Hotbuys 'Sh!t Happens' shirt is released (August 28th - so far away...), because then everyone will be posting pictures of their medolls modeling it LOL

  7. Wouldn't it be ironic if barely anyone bought that shirt, and then somewhere down the line there were so few of them that it actually became rare. I'm doubtful that will ever happen, but it would be so funny if it did...

  8. I love the top on the right girl and the black skirt. Rest not really. I wouldn't wear that happens shirt, but it might be interesting to some people.

  9. Totally love the dress and the jeans but the rest looks meh to me..

  10. I don't like them. They don't look like hotbuys :P

  11. i like the pink dress and the jeans, but the rest is just eww.. especially that white t-shirt o.O stardoll is so weird sometimes...

  12. I'll reserve my judgement for when the actual clothes come out cuz they never look like the ones on the presentation. So I'll wait even cuz I don't see anything particullary exciting...and the poop tee, well we all know how sh!t happens all the time on Stardoll and how most times they have sh!t for brains, why not accept it and make a t-shirt about it!

  13. Axen//made-to-be-meJuly 23, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    Loving the two dresses and the white shirt's cute, I can't wait to see how it actually looks on dolls.
    I think there's nothing wrong with that t-shirt really,but i think it's very hypocritical? If a user did that they would probably get reported. ah well.

  14. I feel very disappoinyed. I thought they'll make every month HB inspired all by one designer as it was in July. Any of this New doesn't look like hb. They're too normal, but I think I have to try them on my doll.

  15. I love the shirt on the top left corner. xD
    The dresses look really nice. I can't wait to try them out!

  16. I am also very surprised by this "s it happens shirt". Users are not supposed to use swear or curse words into SD and neither create at Stardesign anything that can be offensive for anyone else, so I think this shirt is not an appropriate choice for a Hotbuy or even to be released into the site.
    Don't get me wrong, I am an adult, but I have little nieces and nephews that play with me at Stardoll and I really don't like the idea of them seeing this t-shirt on this website.
    Stardoll is supposed to be a kid's safe site where kids can play without seeing/reading this kind of things. And so it is not appropriate that they named the t-shirt as "s it happens shirt" without the letter "h". It would be very frustating if they release it. They still have time to change this HB for another one.

    At about the other pieces I like by this poster some of them, but like every month we need to see how they will look on our dolls.

  17. I like the bag and jeans (if they go without the belt). But depending on the prize and all.... and how they fit. But anything that I really really want, not like the July ones

  18. This is the weirdest mix of Hotbuys!
    The Hotbuys Tile Mosaic Mini is okay, I actually kinda like it but it will probably be sold for way more than it should.
    The Hotbuys Leather Laces would be a whole lot better if it didn't have the strings on it! It's like the Ink'd ribbon corset piercing!
    The Hotbuys Woven Peasant Top is okay but the rainbow detail? No thank you!
    I love the Hotbuys Hard Rock Tee, very pretty and has a nice Summer feel to it!
    The Hotbuys Woven Ikat Belt is okay, I don't hate it or like it!
    I really love the Hotbuys Ripped Rock Denim! The best item in the collection!
    Hotbuys Rock Festival boots are pretty ordinary to me, I don't think I'd bother paying crazy Stardoll prices for them!
    The Woven Shopper Tote looks like a freebie I got a while ago, I like it but I won't be buying it unless it's cheap!
    The Yellow Hedi Dress is nice if it's a reasonable price I'll buy it.

    About the S it Happen Shirt,
    If that were designed by someone in starbazaar, their account would be reported and deleted!
    I can't believe that Stardoll, made that! I'd say loads of people will buy it and regret it later!

  19. WTF! Omg stardoll is really um, being bold, i keep seeing these weird ads like Gay birthday cards and one of them actually had part of the mans junk anging out! i see it almost every day!

  20. I love the jeans and black skirt. The 'sh t' happens tee is a little.. Uhm weird? Because if someone was to make it in StarDesign it would be gone? So uhm yeah; see how this plays out for SD.

  21. I really like the pink, black, and white dress... as well as the black skirt. I'm in shock over the **** Happens tee. It's true, that if it had been designed in StarDesign, it would be taken down immediately. I'm just shocked.

  22. i want almost all of it; it's hilarious! i feel like the top will be a collectors item later on, and its so out of character for stardoll. i want it so bad.

  23. Very classy t shirt! :p what were they thinking???
    I like the bag from this collection, the rest of it is not my style, except maybe the leather skirt..

  24. Kind of cute! I think the tee shit was a mistake. I'm pretty Sure Stardoll had good intentions... but ... haha! Probably going to get the yellow dress or bag or the shirt. They're very summery! which is what I was hoping the July Hotbuys would be like. haha.I can't wait though! they are always fun to try to match with other clothes!

  25. Why are people making such a big deal from the Sh!t Happens tee? This site is aimed at 13 year olds. Therefore, they can include this word in the site. Why should it be their problem to worry about the minority of 8-12 year olds? It's not like kids don't curse these days, because they do. A lot of them. I'm 12 years old, almost turning 13, and I know the word. Literally all English speaking kids know what it means. No matter how well they were raised. Shit means poop. What's so bad about it? It's just a word. And again, did I mention that the site is aimed mostly at 13 yr olds. If younger kids know the word, oh well. And if they don't, good for them. Everyone should just grow up because....... Shit happens.

  26. That's not controlled by Stardoll. That's controlled by AdSense. And if you're being homophobic.. well.. then... I don't know what to tell you.

  27. Yes, I think that's why some people dislike it, because we're all aware that if we were ever to make a shirt like that (god only knows what would possess someone too make a shirt like that, but still) then we'd have our accounts deleted straight away.

  28. I guess it depends on the culture, really. I mean, swear words aren't really taken as being that offensive here (at least by most people), so we'd probably use the word a lot more than anywhere else, and we're probably much more indifferent when it comes too using swear words as a whole, but I do get your point. I did show the shirt to my 7y/o sister though, and she didn't really care about them using the word.

  29. Yes, I know it depends on the culture, but I think it is not polite to use the "S*it" word, otherwise why we can not type it at Stardoll and they even called the shirt as "S it happens" without "h", right?
    Also it is not a tasteful design, it may be "funny" for some users but it can be offensive and innappropriate to others, and one of the stardoll rules is not make anything that may be offensive to others
    As many already said, if someone make this into stardesign and get reported, the design will probably get deleted and the user get a warning or the account would be deleted, right?

  30. I'm not disagreeing with you. I actually think you're right. What I meant is that, maybe the person who designed it didn't think it was offensive, that would make sense, right?

  31. I understand what you said, don't worry :)

  32. That tee is rather disturbing plus there so cool dresses!

  33. I think they should have altered the tee shirt. It is borderline inappropriate in my opinion. I'm really impressed with the other hot buys though! I can't wait for the yellow dress and grey crop top to be released :)

  34. homophobic? Srry hun if i dont feel like seeing half of a mans penis on stardoll, and i dindt know that so dont ever call me homophobic my brother is gay and PROUD! wow the nerve of you.

  35. For me, the laced skirt is to die for. But besides the skirt, I think I'll buy the gray crop top. The rest is a big ''meh''.
