
Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Stardoll has announced the winners of the Marc Jacobs contest! I didn't enter, but maybe some of you did..

Congratulations to all who won. What do you think of the winning entries?

The winners have all won real life pieces of designer luxury.
1st Prize: Marc by Marc Jacobs bag. Mimi84250 impressed the judges with her stylish scenery and hot pink outfits. 

2nd Prize: Marc Jacobs mirror & pen. Ashley7789 showed off her creativity and sense of style in this Paris scenery - complete with designer fragrances and couture style fashion.

3rd Prize: Marc Jacobs keyring. PrettyMaroulaki won't loose her keys ever again with the designer keyring she has won! The judges loved her use of color and black & white minimalist style. 

Congratulations to the three lucky winners! 

According to Stardoll, they say to keep your eyes peeled for the next competition coming soon! I wonder what
 the next prizes will be?!

Thanks MissLadyAnjah for letting us know in chat.


  1. Seriously, just niemal sceneries. Nice, but Im sure there were some more crative.

  2. Hmm... these sceneries are okay but I really did expect to see something amazing. Plus, the key-ring prize... SO VALUABLE. Haha, but anyway, I do hope that the next competition won't require a stardollar purchase..

  3. Well... I'm not amazed. I wonder will those girls really get the gifts :P

  4. I could do soooo much better

  5. What about SMW for may?

  6. I only liked the third one, but I wasn't amazed at all...
