
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


PPQ of Mayfair was a new floor on starplaza. The clothes are very fashion, beautifull and the details are well done in my opinion. The main colour is again black and black is always a timeless colour. The prices are from 22 stardollars and go till 40 stardollars. Below you can see the real versions of these clothes that are from PPQ 2010 Autumn/Winter Collection. Tell us on comments what you think about these new clothes.

PPQ 2010 Autumn/ Winter Collection


  1. i like a lot of the items

  2. i wish the clothes were more colorful because its spriiing!!!

  3. I agree with red.girll. They are very stylish and fashionable but i find them a bit boring, they are quite nice but I dont like anything in particular.

  4. I may buy some stuff. And i like the colours:) I personaly hate clothes that are too colorful.

  5. I love them all (:

  6. I want the whole floor!!!
    Black & Gold are my fav colours and the clothes look great.
    Just don't like the harem pants...

  7. I don't really like the new PPQ floor,and clothes is too expensive...

  8. PPQ! I absoloutly adore this brand, it has to be my favourite on stardoll. I love the clothes, and the sophisticated colour scheme:-)

  9. i really like the clothes but i dont know if i will buy some of them because if there will be a sale of PPQ i will be very angry if i bought them for a higher price

  10. I love the clothes but I hate the prices...good grief...16SD for a blouse! I love wearing black so they are very cool! I am disgusted with the rising prices. Thank goodness we don't have to buy gasoline from them! Not funny!

  11. I love PPQ but i did prefer last seasons clothes better but this season is still nice :D

  12. I'm not too crazy about the actual clothes. I tried on just about every piece of clothing on that first floor. (I already have all the shoes.) Have to admit that they just don't look all that great, especially for the prices!

  13. I'm big fan of real life clothes :D But for the Stardoll..I'm not really sure I'll buy anything :/

  14. I dont think its anything too special.. it all seems like pieces we've seen similar versions of before. It certainly fits with PPQ but i find it lacking in originality
