
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

HB Stud Dress Poll

Who wore HB Dress the best? [:
ABSOLUTELY N0 CHEATING OR ASKING ANYONE FOR VOTES! This means you can't go and GB to someone or post in a blog and ask for votes otherwise YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED AND NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER FUTURE POLLS!
If you know someone breaking the rules please tell me as it's unfair to others.
Prize: $25sd or 25sd in gifts (from me)
Voting ends on 29/03/2011
►You can vote up to 3 outfits you like◄
Remember that main idea of this poll was to make an outfit with the HB Dress as the main part of the outfit [:


  1. first coment :)
    the outfits are amazing thanks to put me:) i'm 40!

  2. Good Luck Girls! ♥
    Great outfits!

  3. AWww,thank you soo much,i am 33 ;D!
    Anyway,good luck girls!

  4. AWww,thank you soo much,i am 33 ;D!
    Anyway,good luck girls!

  5. !!!

  6. I am really disappointed ... you have not even looked at my page to see my competition entry. I think that was a random selection of outfits, because some are really unimaginative and some have hidden the dress.

    Now I will think twice if I work on an outfit to enter your poll!
    Maybe others were right by saying "no polls while jenna is away"...

  7. @mari91 Pardon, but I was not going to visit anyone, I have no spare time, and would you really be going to wear that outfit for days? I doubt it. AND this was NO random selection, I featured ALL entrants who sent their outfits.

  8. i want to know name of numbe 39

  9. 14th is my favorite outfit and also my favorite number! xD

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. i think the 30's outfit is very covered up :X but i like most of the outfits x]

  12. I am wearing it all the time :) even now :D

    I thought it would be ok to just make the outfit in my room, because on the one hand Jenna said we can do it this way and on the other hand I doubt that there would be a difference in time if you do copy and paste the name in stardoll or copy and paste the link in another tab to see the tinypic!

    And by the way I have to say that it's sort of cheating if someone does lots of entries whith their link... (do not want to tell any names and hope you understand me...because my english is soo bad...sorry)

    Also I am sorry if I have personally attacked you :( but I just want this to be fair!

  13. I know who I am voting for :D Good luck to all!


  15. wow. there's a lot of them. good luck people!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. mari91Oh you do? I'm now feeling very sorry. But I disagree to you, there is difference - people usually send me their own print-screens already cropped, imagine how much time it would take from me to crop and adjust about 60 pictures :D But pardon, there are was no cheating - there are no double (or more) links from one user, I did check, if those accounts exist. But well I think this way with tinypic it's more fair, because now everyone can join - all the non-ss who cant buy the HBs and also those ss who either are broke at the moment or don't want to spend on that HB or other items that they want to include in the outfit... I'm personally at the moment non-ss, why couldn't I show my ideas how to wear the HB even though I can't buy it now? But of course visiting the suites should have been an other option, though I remember the last time (it was some time ago) I did poll by visiting suites - you can't imagine how mean the most of people were, they wanted to change their look, or they even did and they were angry that I hadn't visited them the very next second they had told me to, and also all non-ss were mad at me why I didn't made it available for all to enter and yeah... it was sort being negative experience to me, also after that I had to make all those print-screens by myself, every time clean the wardrobe from all the items, so all would have the same bg, making all medolls the same size.. It took me hours, but by tinypics I can make the poll pictures in less than hour.

  18. thank you for putting me on there even though I didn't have a tinypic :) it was fun doing this competition!!!

  19. Good luck everybody! You all did a great job:-)

  20. @Ruth:

    OK I understand your problem...and I am really sorry... you spend your time on this and I just wanted to save time... I am so sorry :( I just did not think so far.
    Hope you will accept my apology.
    I really appreciate your work!

    I was just so proud of my outfit :D and I was sure about getting in the comp :) ^^I'm still wearing it, because I love it :D you want to take a look now? :P

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Cool idea to leave off the names! There are some very nice outfits here! Good luck to everyone!

  23. I voted, too. So many of the girls covered up the dress so much I thought they should've been disqualified. But maybe that's not a rule in this comp.

    BTW, I did my HB Sweater poll entry via Photobucket. Is that all right? I took it in front of my closet and cropped it just fine, I think.

    And thanks so much for all your work!! There were a bunch of entries this time, eh???

  24. Thanks for putting me in! I love all the outfits its so hard to pick but Good Luck to all :)

    I removed my last comment as it said what number i was and i wasn't sure if i was allowed to tell but most people have anyway but it doesn't matter.

  25. I voted but there were so many it was so hard to choose...

  26. Leaving out the names was a good idea but for it to work comments should have been disabled. But I don't think you (Ruth) can access that option in this blog :)
    And there you have it. Comments like: "Amazing outfits! I'm number (?)"
    Need I say more???

  27. @mari91 I'm the one who should be sorry, it was my mistake to not to check yours look, I should had it as other option to check suites.. I'm sorry, but as I already saw your outfit for HB Sweater, I'm sure you will be featured, it's great [: And sure I will visit you later on [:

    JanaStarlite Yeah, I have to agree, that few of contestants did cover it a little too much, but this time it was more or less but giving a chance to everyone to be in. Photobucket's is absolutely fine, if people are using such huge and known image hosting sites, there should be no risk at all for hackers, because I think the virus/hack could be added to those who have their own websites, so if you are ever making your own comp - rather insist people to use known sites [: But yeah, this was quite huge poll, haven't yet decided from my fav top 5 who to vote :D

    @anaKonda Actually I can disable comments as a writer, but why couldn't others post something? Wouldn't you like reading that someone said that they loved your outfit or seeing that other readers think that all entrants did great or so on.. Jenna has never made comments disable for polls, I think. Should I do it? BUT yeah the fact that people started naming their numbers was wrong :S I wanted to keep outfits anonymous so votes would not be based on friendship/being known or something like that. But only about the outfit.

  28. All the outifts are awesome! My number is 50 :D

  29. @Ruth: hmm I don't want the poll to be effected by what happened :) I just want you to be fair and that includes, that if you don't like my outfit (even i am thinking the hb swaeter -one is not one of my best creations... ) you just can leave it out :) I won't be mad because you have looked at it and the subjective opinon can't be rated! :)

  30. Sorry, I posted my number so I deleted the comment to make it fair, glad to see you back!

  31. I voted for 35 but I forgot who that was already :D lol.

  32. all outfits were awesome im the 58 one hehe last entry still good luck

  33. @mari91 Well I do like it just because I like it [:

  34. Good lucky everybody!!! Im number 52

  35. HermioneGranger.Hairspray.DisneyMarch 28, 2011 at 10:01 PM

    when shalt thou post the winner?

  36. HermioneGranger.DiseyMarch 29, 2011 at 9:49 PM

    when will the owner post who wiiiiiiins? it's been sooooo loooooooooong! and it's march 30!
