
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Free Stuff post

I should have done this sooner, but after the new rules (that I can post only pictures and contest links of freebies and that many of readers become very negative to freebies) I sort of lost my interest to do posts here and

I was hoping that you (who are still interested in free stuff) are following other blogs (which continue to post about free stuff)
but then I thought that maybe there are some, who do not. And as few of these free items are not that bad, I decided to do a post,
but still I'm following the new rules (as Jenna and many others here think that proxies are not safe, and it's up to you to use them or not and that I have no rights to insist you to use them and if you want to you can look up by yourselves and take the risk and blah-blah-blah.
But I'm really doubtful those proxies I know could get you in a trouble, because I have used them all and I haven't been hacked or got virus or anything bad)
So I'm doing a poll because I'm interested in your opinion about this -

And now - to free stuff that hasn't been mentioned here [:

Free Japan T-shirt


All other free stuff I managed by the countries -

Available for ALL (no proxy needed)

Free Chata De Galocha Top
(Log in and visit this campaign)

For USA/UK/Ireland:
UK/USA/Ireland Free Green HairColour (till 22.03) Enter this contest -
USA Free Tangled TV - by logging in

For France (Enter those contests): 

Free Japan Poster (till 25.03)
Free Noisemaker (till 23.03)

For Poland (Enter those contests):

Free Crop Sweater (till 21.03)

Free Fashion Frenzy Corst (till 23.03)

Free Pillow (till 23.03)
For Poland Superstars Only (Enter those contests):

Golden Earrings (till 21.03)

Free Carpet (till 29.03)

For Russia (Enter this contest):

Free Betsey Johnson shoes (till 23.03)

For Greece Superstar Only (Enter this contest):

Free Voile Bag

For Brazil (Enter this contest):
Free Beach Bag

For Germany Superstars Only (Enter this contest):
Pink Clutch 

For Finland Superstars Only (Enter this contest):
Pink Clutch 
BTW You can always read full info (with proxies) how to get them in my daily updated free stuff blog - HTGF. Just saying [:


  1. You did alot of good research to collect all those items. thanks for showing them...

  2. Um.. Don't forget Ireland for the free green hair dye.. because I am from Ireland and they have the contest there...

  3. I got all of the UK things, thanks :-)
    I voted. My answer was Other-I still use them, but only if it's something I want really badly and desperately :P

    (8) There is nothing I do better than revenge (8) Sorry. Listening to Taylor Swift. xD

  4. I use proxies nevertheless they're not completely safe. I just turn advertisments off.

  5. Mm.. I want this items, but I'm from Lithuania, so.. :{ Can you help me? Can I get this items too?

  6. Thank you for looking all these up and posting them for those of us who are still nuts enough to use them!

  7. Thanks for all that :)
    the "other" part of the poll won't work btw...

  8. I never use proxies so i will only be getting the stuff from my country.

  9. I need to go and look up a proxy, as I really like one of the items that isn't available in my country. I miss the proxies though, because aftera ll, if you choose to take the risk, then we will have to learn to face the consequences. I always change my password after using them anyway:-)

    Thank you anyway! I have the Japan t-shirt and green hair dye, because I'm from the UK.

  10. I think manual proxies are quite safe. Yes, they can collect your information that you give while you're connected to it, however the main reason why proxies exist is not hacking stardoll accounts. So yeah, I use proxies, I get them from public lists from websites that are not connected to stardoll, I think it's safe.

    STARDOLL DOESN'T WANT US TO USE PROXIES AND GET THE FREE STUFF, that's what I think, sorry for caps, but I really wanted to stress that out.

  11. Thanks, I got the one that was free to all without a proxy. I also voted. :)

  12. ruth, you shouldnt bother to post here. you have your own blog about free stuff which i follow and i think youre more worth thank continuing to post some contest links on here.

  13. Jenna is being a jerk she won't let anyone use proxies because she got hacked.

  14. We should be able to choose whether or not we want to take the chance of using a proxy. Personally, I really do appreciate this post.

    The only one I wasn't able to get was that gorgeous black purse from the Greece contest.

  15. You missed out the motorbike & helmet from Italy. Anyway I'll check your blog for free stuff next time.

  16. I just visited your blog Ruth it's great & I'll visit it regularly from now on.

  17. i dont use them anymore... I have too much too lose.. not worth it

  18. I still use them only if there'something i like. totally with pwincesssara.

  19. I love the green hair color!! :)

  20. I love the orange-brown dress and i get it i have the most of the things pleaseee visit me : Dogy17798
