
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Earn 50 SD from inviting a friend?

*Don't get too excited after reading the title - because this is stardoll, never forget that all the owners want is our MONEY
So today I noticed a new (?) feature on stardoll invitations.
When on my sister's account I went to Invite friends page (to by making spare accounts get her starpoints :D)there were few changes
Now you can not only earn starpoints but also STARDOLLARS for inviting friends. But it's not like on old times (when you got 5sd instead of starpoints for inviting a friend) NOW you can get 50 STARDOLLARS from inviting one friend. Where's the catch? It's ONLY if she/he BECOMES SUPERSTAR
What can we understand from this?
Now stardoll wants us to convince our friends to buy Superstar?
You know if you invited 20 friends who actually become Superstar, you would earn - 1000 stardollars. It would not bad, eh?

Will you be using this feature?
Have you ever invited anyone to join stardoll before?


  1. Great idea, but I will not use this..:D

  2. Stardoll wouldn't be so generous by giving us 50 Stardollars for free when we invite a friend to join the site...They just want money and more money, and now they're trying convice us to make our friends become Superstars and spend their real money, and if that happens what they get? More MONEY -.-'
    This is Stardoll nowadays...

    As you, Ruth I've made spare accounts to get Starpoints xD

  3. I have, but OMG.
    I'm not going to make my friend buy superstar, it's not fair.

  4. Hmmmm... I think this is a great feature, but no one will benifit from it. Your friend isn't going to become SS the first day she joins Stardoll. I bet it's only when they upgrade to SS when they start their account.


  5. stardoll jus wants more money. all my friends that were interested aboustardoll have already joined and i only got the 5 sd and they are ss now, or they were ss. So this won't help me to much, but the new members can invite their friends to join and get money, so that is a good deal from stardoll

  6. This is really good :D...You can invite yourself actually, become superstar get 50 sd on your account and you can send gifts or buy something expensive and than sell it to your real account for 2 sd :D

  7. Its good but I won't use it..Just another stardoll trick :O

  8. I already knew about this, but I don't think my friends'd become SS's anyway xDD

  9. I suppose it's a good idea if you know for certain your friend is going to become a superstar.

  10. Not gonna do it. :lll

    Why would I convince my friend to buy SS when I'm not even sure if I want to renew my own SS? :l

  11. Most of my friends don't like stardoll because they can't afford ss membership...

    but maybe i will invite myself just so i can get starpoints :P

  12. Really, you just have noticed that?! i knew that before and i always anvite my friends.. I really didn't thought it will be that exited, if i knew, sure i told you before..

  13. @miley I didn't mean the whole inviting but the part for getting 50sd from an invited friend who becomes SS. For how long has it been there?

  14. Ah, we get 50SD but they get at least $6.99 real money when the person becomes a superstar. Hmmmmmm-could this be just another way for SD to get people's money?

  15. Im making new accounts for starpoints but im not getting them. Why?

  16. Stardoll is going down :/

  17. I would not try to get anyone I know into Stardoll. It takes a certain kinda person, and I know of no person like that.

  18. My friend's not even logging into her account lol..

  19. thats a good deal, but my friends pprobably wouldn't become ss. Maybe I will ask them to sign up anyway^^

  20. ^^ i thought that there would be a catch ^^
