
Tuesday, February 8, 2011


St. Valentines Day is fast approaching, and in celebration of the special day Stardoll has added a new Valentines 2011 Gift-O-Meter. We've had Gift-O-Meters in the past, and in my opinion this one definitely outshines the others. Probably because I am totally girly and love ruffles. Who knows.

We get our first item  of clothing after spending $10sd, which is a little pricey. 

Valentine's Day is probably the only special occasion I'm excited about (besides New Years and Christmas, of course).

So how about you? Will you be handing in your cash in exchange for some free goodies?


  1. I don't realy like the stuff...

  2. I don't really think I'll spend money just for the items but if I buy stuff and get the gifts then I'm happy. :)

  3. I like 7th, 8th and 9th items but to get those you have to spend 150 sd and boy that's a lot.
    I already got a t-shirt and denim shorts and they are just... dull. I will probably not wear them, I will be lucky if I sell them for 3 or 4 sd :/

  4. I like the cloth, but think for "only" valentine it is a little bit expensive :o(

  5. I'm not that crazy about these clothes... I like grey and white T-shirt because those prints are cool and I like those strappy heels that are 7th prize. :) I have to say that it's a lot of money neccessary for this... I mean, if I wan't those shoes I have to spend 100$! Even LE shoes aren't that expensive... -.- I'll probably search them in bazaar, usually many people sell them for a very cheap price and I suggest you to do the same. ;)

  6. I have a question, I hope somebody could answer: how can we get the dresses we see in the presentation of the Heart Shop and in this page (gift-o-meter page)? They are beautiful and not yet for sale!

  7. cuuute! =D omg so girly, love the most items! =D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i only like the pink dress and the shoes.

  10. I dont mind it, some items are nice

  11. btw there are new improvements in beauty parlor makeup and jewellery section! :) they look nice

  12. I never got the valentines gift the gave out yesterday & I am a 'recurring' member. Just because I don't pay one year membership. Stardoll's sick!!!

  13. i think most of the clothes are good i like them :) thank you :)

  14. 6, 7, 9 & 10 are the best how does this outshine the others? You must have missed some gift-o-meters. The worst was the spring one (last year) where people kept getting the same item over & over again.

  15. It's nice.
    I like the Love tees and the red dress :)

  16. the iyems are not gods, bt can u avoid to expend ur money??

  17. i will buy clothes ^^ i like some of the items :D

  18. They are nice!
    BUT, have you noticed the changes in starplaza!
    It is very different!

  19. It's gonna be expensive to get :(

  20. I think I won't spend all 175$. Those who I won't take, I'll buy them in bazar as always :P

    Btw I haven't received my first 2 gifts -.-'

  21. this is a very off topic comment but star plaza has had a little makeover! the changing room is different n so is new/popular/featured section

  22. hmmm i like ony dresses and some shirts :D

  23. I dont like them :/ Maybe i'd wear the 9th dress,but i have to spent 150 Stardollars for this...

  24. Well, I don't really like those clothes...

  25. Just like the number 4 ^^ Not my style x)

  26. They could have thrown in some red pieces, no?! And why so many tee-shirts???
    Can't say I like any of them :(

  27. I like the 1st, 3rd and 4th items. I haven't checked stardoll yet, but I hope I don't have to spend too much for them items as I do not have hardly any stardollars. D:

  28. i don't really like the clothes except no.5

  29. I only like 2 or 3 of the items. I was lkinda hoping for the dresses in the pic. I really like one of them..maybe they will be available for purchase. idk

  30. wont be buying specially to get those gifts.

  31. I'm in love with 9 and 10.
    Such a shame it's so expensive! :C

  32. I love the gifts, as if I need an excuse to buy more on stardoll lol..

  33. the stuff isn't that good considering they want us to spend 175(?!) to get all the items xxx

  34. I actually don't like the stuff; the end gift will prolly be something lame and boring again.. :[

  35. I know I won't spend 175 so I'll try to find them in the bazaar

  36. I think that there is no point for
    spending money on it. You can just buy a dress, a top ,pants...

  37. Oh noo!! I want the dresses worn by the two girls at the tip. Where can we find them??? :(
    I thought we could have them.

  38. The clothes look kinda cute, but I`m not gonna spend my money only to get themm

  39. love the love tee!!

  40. I don't like any of the stuff.

  41. I am going to buy al the hotbuys, I didn't buy them, because I didn't have money. But i bought new stardollars.

  42. I Might Buy, But If I Do I`ll Only Buy Upto Number 5.


  43. Some of the clothes are cute, but Its just another stupid idea to buy stardoollars and spend money :S

  44. The gifts are...hmm,simple.Nothing special anyway.
    But soon i'll be superstar,and usually when I get 200 sd I spend them all in few days

  45. I like the 9th gift (the dress) i just love the graphics they are really good. I am sure you will be able to find this stuff on starbaazar.

  46. The items are mediocre,
    And like Winniegirl123/Catriona said, I won't spend money for the items, I'll just spend it as usual and be happy if I spend enough for an item.

  47. I never spend all my money just to get items that will come out in the SB for 5 or 6sd.

  48. I like the dresses on ad, I hope they will be available [:

  49. I hate gift-O-Meters...A Waste of money and time...

  50. Well, I like to buy stuff here and there anyway so it works out for me.

  51. awwee, fackk, i wanted that tee... i spend all my money... :[ Well, the dresses arent anygood anyways...

  52. most of them are cute (: but you must spend a lot to get them..

  53. They're a bit pricey for my intrest.

  54. I won't purposely try and get any of these, I did admire the beige and orange heels from spoilers the other day but I don't mind not getting them.

  55. How can we found the dresses on the top?? I'm desperate, I want them! :D

  56. I'll spend money for some clothes more than 10 sd , but I didn't get the items =( ?!

  57. i just got got 1st price...
    but i know after this event people whil sell items in starbazaar maybe i whil buy them there :)

  58. it is too expensive...but i like t shirt 3

  59. I LOVE THE CLOTHES! It's so lovey dovey! I think that #10 for 150 isn't worth it. They should've make like #6/ #9 150 at least. I already love the first one! :D

  60. I spent like 10 stardollars in the StarBazar and didn't get my first gift. I think you can only purchase stuff from the Starplaza and then you'd get the gift?! D:

  61. I dont understand why always so ugly stuff??
