
Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hey everyone! Hope you guys are doing okay today! Well I just wanted to make a few announcements.

IMPORTANT UPDATE:  If you applied to be a writer or enter the Launch My Line Comp please check your email in boxes!!!

I have responded to some or asked a question, but received no return response and it is holding me up.

Also for launch my line...Many of you sent emails, but did not include your blogger/stardoll names so in some cases it is hard to tell who the email is from. Please resend with the full information! Thanks

1. Non-Superstars: To any NS followers who were diligent enough to become a top now have the option to get $25sd in gifts OR save your $25sd until you accumulate $100sd or $200sd your choice. At that time I can then make you superstar for those amounts.

$100sd = 2 weeks SS
$200sd = 1 month SS

You still must claim the $25sd after each win . Just specify you want to do one of these options. One you have reached your amount come back and claim your $100sd or $200sd superstar. I will also do my best to keep track of your winnings.

I think this is really great for everyone (SS & NS) just think $25sd isn't much, but you have the potential for $100sd a month or SS.

Please note: This option does require access to your account. Unfortunately this is teh only way for smaller amounts.

If you are new to this blog, please be aware that this is YOUR choice. I do this often for winners and am completely trust worthy however this is my only way of doing it because there are no SS codes for small amounts any longer in the USA.

*If you are a top commenter and you happen to win a poll or other small comp..this can also go towards your total accruement.

2. Collecting Prizes: A lot of people are asking how to collect prizes, Be sure you read the collecting prizes tab and the rules tabs at the top of the blog for more information.

3. Valentine's Competions: Will be posted this week. Are you ready?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So,even if we are superstar can we save our 25sds until 100sds or 200sds? :D

  3. That clears a lot up :)

  4. @ Mihaela.... atm SS will only be able to get their $25sd. I can only do this for a certain amount of people each month as Stardoll has limits on what you can buy.

    So basically if you are NS at the time and will remain so til you accrue $100sd or $200sd

  5. I am so excited for Valentines Day comps!

    and... is there going to be a poll for the HB jacket? I'd really like to participate in it! :)

  6. Rana is the jacket buyable yet? I still don't see it in the plaza..

  7. Sound Aweshum ;o

    Can't wait 'til The Comps x]

  8. I understand alot better ;]
    Thanks :D

    P.S : I was in the Top Commenting List Last Time & This time too ;]

  9. Sounds amazing Jenna! :D

    Yay, so excited for the Valentine's Comp coming soon! ;)

    I also have a quick question for future Winners- Say you have a Trailer for your latest project (So like, a 10 second video) does that count as an Ad in a post? Or does it have to be a normal ad?

  10. That's great for non superstars!
    Oooh- Valentines Day xD

  11. I can't wait for the Valentine Competitions :)) It will be fun :)

  12. The Valentine Comp seems fun.^^ And i also don't see the hb jacket in platza yet. :[

  13. Can't wait for those valentine's comps!

  14. @Pandaeyes you have not claimed any of your prizes so far.

    @Carolyn - Yes you can create short videos. No problem as long as I have a html code or something.

  15. this is great!!!
    and i can't wait for the valentines competition ;)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. If someone doesn't get an Email response from you does it mean they don't qualify as a Writer or that you didn't reach them yet?

  18. I have not received any mail ... too bad!...I like your ideas!

  19. thanks! valentine's comp sounds really interesting xxx

  20. I applied to be a writer and have checked my inbox and there are no messages I hope this is a ok and not an error.:)

    Brilliant competition I can't wait to see the entries ♪Good luck to everyone..

  21. Cool idea :)

    I can't wait for the valentines comps!

  22. I havent got a message at my inbox

  23. Can't wait for all the Valentines things!

    I am a new follower here. I am non SS, so I will try to comment alot!

  24. I have not received a mail.. :S Can't wait for the Valentine comps though! :D

  25. I can't wait for the valentines contest. :-)

  26. Yes, if you did not get a invite to be a writer- does that mean you did not get the job? Just wondering. :)

  27. Just wondering, was the halloween costume competition winner ever announced ? I cant remember at all!

  28. I just want to ask that suppose u win and u r non-ss, u claim the prize and u r being a ss very soon, can u still get it in money ?

  29. And yah like mihaela said, if u r a ss, can u still save ur money ?

  30. this sounds awesome. it'll really help those non-ss's to start partisipating even more. great idea!

  31. And can u win, more than once ??

  32. Oh I didnt get an email x3
    I hope i get to be a writer though xD

  33. great!!!I prefer to save my $25sd until i accumulate $100sd or $200sd to become ss! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! =]

  34. Jenna, you are very kind ^^ ! It's a good opportunity for the Nn-superstar. And yes, I'm ready xD

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. valentine's comp sounds cool ^^

  37. Awesome! I think I'll start saving :P

  38. I didn't get an e-mail. I hope I do.

  39. you guys are missing stuff

    the beauty parlor changed

    there are facial features for

    ss only too

  40. Yay! I would accumulate $100sd or $200sd, It's much more convenient

  41. Thanks for the updates! I was also wondering what it means if we never received any emails regarding the Launch my Line competition or writing for the blog. I completely understand if you just haven't gotten around to everyone yet!


  42. Oh, i am looking foward to the valentine's day comps!


  43. Okay i'm hohokoko1328 and i want to DELETE my entry for the launch my line comp. thanks and can not wait the Valentine's comps!! xx

  44. Can I claim it here ?
    If so, I'd like to save mine until I get $1OO ;]

  45. I can't wait for the Valentine's Day comps.
    You sent me an email with a question about being a writer and I replied. I haven't gotten a response..

  46. @Pandaeyes

    You claim it at Jenna's account Jennarox4eva :)

    Thanks so much Jenna, you're the best!!!! ;DDD

  47. I didn't receive any email answer !

  48. So excited for the Valentines Day comp! And I resent my application sorry I forgot my blogger name, my mistake. Oops...

  49. Hi I resent mine please let me know it gets through! :)

  50. I don't understand...To be a top commenter you've just got to comment ALOT??
    Thats ez. =D

  51. I didn't get an e-mail. I guess I did something wrong. Oh well, I resent my application. (;

  52. I didn't get an email back. Was everyone supposed to receive a reply?

  53. Alice2078

    No if you did not get an invite, it doesn't mean you are necessarily out.

    These are just people I had questions for about their ideas etc..

    Also, I have to say if you did not provide a sample, you are most likely out.

  54. can`t wait the v`days comp!!! and about the launch my line project i dont have a blog but i`m following you with a google account [i think] is this ok?

  55. I Was On The Top 5 List Of Commenters Last Week, But I`m Not Sure If I Get Anything. Anyway, It`s Not Why I Follow This Blog Anyway.

    I`m Looking Forward To The Valentines Day Competition!


  56. Okay, good to know! Thanks Jenna! :D

    Yay, I can't wait for this Valentine's Day competition..sounds awesome! ;DDD

  57. It's a great opportunity for non-superstars! :) Can't wait for the Valentine's Day comp!!

  58. Oooh Valentines Competition,Sounds awesome ;D

  59. Great idea! Xx Cant wait for valentine comps!

  60. give me.My acount is Miss.Deepa

  61. Can't wait Valentine day!
    :) ♥

  62. thats a nice thing to do for non-ss members.

  63. I`m SOOO waiting for valentines comps!! (:

  64. Yey, can't wait for the Valentine comp :D

  65. Well I'm really disappointed, because I haven't received an e-mail... ;[

  66. ok, but where did you send the e-mail, if you wanted to be a writer??

  67. ooh i cant wait for valentines day comp! even though i never win :D

  68. Thanks Jenna You are amazing !! I am excited for the Valentines Day competition !!

  69. Thanks for the tip, this solved most of my problems. ;)

  70. I entered, and sent my email at 9:32 eastern standard time on January 25, 2011. I put my following/stardoll name on the email, but have not yet recieved a response. Just checking to make sure this is ok.

  71. OOH, valentines comps sounds fun. But, I don't think I can enter since I only signed up in chat box today to participate in comps?

  72. i didnt get an email but i entred
