
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The New Classics

Hello everyone!
There was an article in Harper's Bazaar about a style: The New Classics.
It reminds us of the time of our grandmothers, the chic and classic clothes, the ones you can find on the store Decades. They're neutral colors and very, very elegant!
So, the first one:

-Otto jacket 9$
-Voile tights 2$
-Stardoll black skirt 5$
-Bisou Pumps 5$
Second one:

-Bisou Draped Blouse 8$
-Stardoll LS 7$
-Voile tights 2$
-Tingeling Stiletto 6$
-Rio Necklace 5$

The third one:

-Stardoll Motto Jacket 8$
-Grey Skirt, available for free
-Voile tights 2$
-Stardoll Heels 5$

The fourth one:

-Decades Smoking Jacket 8$
-MSW Skirt 6$
-Voile tights 2$
-Voile Pumps 5$
-Voile gloves 3$

And the fifth one:

-Decades top 5$
-Herve Leger dress 34$
-Bisou belt 2$
-Bisou Pumps 5$

I tried to do my best to recreate the look on Stardoll, but there aren't many similar clothes. However, if you're in love with this style, you have a big help here.

Do you like it? Comment!


  1. I Guess they're Ok,
    Not really my style though

  2. I like your outfits!And i really like this style.

  3. I love this style, this is pretty much how I am dressing up and how would I like to be able to dress up in every day :)

  4. Nice work for creating outfits!!! I do like this style, but sometimes i just want to wear jeans and a tshirt to feel more comftable.. =D

  5. I like it :D I love this style :D You did great work re-making those outfits!

  6. They're nice outfits but not necessarily something I'd wear. Don't think they'd suit my style tbh

  7. im a big fan of this style =) and i realy like your outfits ;)

  8. this is one of my favorite style .. I love your outfits chic & elegant

  9. I am in love with this style. It's very classy and is the definition of dressing up like an elite.
    I don't know if my grandmother used to wear clothes like these(she probably didn't) but my Medoll definatelly does!

  10. Loved the outfits in real life.
    But I didn't think you did a very good job recreating them on Stardoll, sorry.
    Just my opinion.

  11. They look cool, and i might buy some of them.

  12. Those magazine looks doesn't look like something mom or grandma did wear. Some people still dress like that today, so I didn't really get the age thing. But it does have a little of a 50-60's glam vibe. Those coats are cute.


  13. Those magazine looks doesn't look like something mom or grandma did wear. Some people still dress like that today, so I didn't really get the age thing. But it does have a little of a 50-60's glam vibe. Those coats are cute.


  14. I really like these outfits! Cheap too! Good job =D

  15. Gosh , it's amazing I love it

