
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mortal Kiss-the story is over!

Hello Hello!!
Today i'm here to write about the end of Mortal Kiss. 700 pages later, we got to know the end of this story. To be honest, i didn''t read the book, i found the chapters way too big. Some people say that it was too similar to Twilight that your opinion? I noticed something too, the floor of the village is now green.
Do you read the story? Do you like it?

The book ended October 31st;
There's a movie in high school with the question: "The end?";


  1. The story ended on October 31st.
    There is also a new message on the ground near the mansion (top of mall) and a small video in the High School gym.
    Long chapters? You dont read much books, do you? lol

  2. i m with anaKonda! long chapters? seriously? lol
    i like the story and i think it was a nice project!

  3. I don't read it,i prefer the classic way to read a book

  4. I really loved reading it, too bad it ended so soon. Yeah chapters weren't so long comparing to other books I've read, and story was great, especially got exciting by the end. Yeah, at the video says the end with question mark, so there might be more :)

  5. Yes, it was quite similar to Twilight.

    Think about it. A rich, mysterious boy appears. He seems a bit reserved at first, but then the main person falls (sorta) in love with him.
    Then there are werewolves that are increasing and following the boy and his mother, and the gang of wolves is suspected for crimes.

    Need to continue? Prolly not.

  6. I read it and i really liked it.. Its not really similar to Twilight, but it has a really good story! If you have time, you should read it, i think you will like it (and the chapters are kind of short =D )

  7. Ahh :/ I never read it.I don't know,maybe If I try it would be interesting.

  8. I didn't pay attention to the story :|

  9. i didnt really read it i read the summery up 2 the 5th chapter but i got bored!

  10. I read it, it's quite similar to Twilight.
    The chapters were quite short actually, it only took 2 minutes to read a chapter :L

  11. honestly, I never read it .. but I think the best part for me .. is the Mortal Kiss shop =)

  12. is it still available for reading? i guess i might give it a shot. it probably would have been easier to read a chapter a day, but i've never been a fan for reading books online. let's face it, it's just not the same. xD

  13. Did NOT like Mortal Kiss.
    UBER-cheap remake of the Twilight books.
    Hated Lucas.
    Finn was better.
    I've only read books with 400 pages before; not 700; But on the internet it takes faster to read books.
    Anyways, I hope Stardoll expands their range of stuff and makes more books.
    Or maybe, an internet TV show?

    Real Desperate Housewives of Stardoll [:
    That would require serious money tho.

  14. i read few chapters...and i got bored...but i checked houses and hidden messages everyday...and i like mortal kiss rocks!

  15. Read it, thought some parts were really redundant. Like the interactiveness of it though.

  16. I didn't read it or Twilight. But I do like most of the outfits.


  17. i didn't read (x
    7OO pages on the computer will give me a headache ^^

  18. I miss having a new chapter to look forward to every day, sighh. I hope there really is more to come. And the clothes are really nice :))

  19. it was NOT like twilight. people who say this didn't read the complete story. and you need only 5 minutes for reading one chapter so it was too short, i think!
