
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Free 'One day' T-shirt and Camera

Stardoll is giving away a Free One day T-shirt and Camera
At first I thought that it is about Earth day/Earth Hour or something like that, but then appeared a question - why is there a camera? :D

But as I went to the campaigns homepage I read that the main idea of this day is different - 
On October 10, 2010 (10.10.10), across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students, and inspired citizens will record the human experience over a 24-hour period and contribute their voice to the largest participatory media event in history.
Founded in 2008, ONE DAY ON EARTH is creating an online community, shared archive, and film. Together, we will showcase the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occur in one day. We invite you to join our international community of thousands of filmmakers, hundreds of schools, and dozens of non-profits, and contribute to this unique global mosaic. Through the One Day on Earth platform, we will establish a community that not only watches, but participates.
[Text taken from the One Day page - OneDayOnEarth]

Anyway to get the freebies - (available for everyone without proxies)
Go to this campaign page:
2) You will be re-directed to One Day on Earth website, Leave the site, Go to stardoll
T-shirt and camera will be in giftboxes in your suite [: 

So will you be getting these items?
Do you support such days as One Day on Earth? 


  1. Thank youu.. I really like the camera x3

  2. Thank you. These are nice freebies, aren't they?

  3. Thanks. That camera is fab. I'm a photographer/film maker so I love it!

  4. For something free, I adore it! And there's no proxies included either :)

  5. Thanks :D
    I won't be getting them!:P I won't never use them :S

  6. Thanks for the tip, the tank top is actually nice and form fitting & I do like the camera :D

  7. Thanks, i love some of the free gifts atm <3

  8. I don't like it that much, I'll pass. But thanks for telling us!

  9. Thanx I like the top and camera.. really need them
