
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I've missed so much...

Hey everyone. I'm finally through with exams and this is my last week of I should have more time! Yeah. I am doing a tournament team for softball and going on a cruise soon, but I will do my best to be on more. Thanks again to those who helped out while I was busy.

So I feel so disconnected!  It looks like I have missed so much! LE, Chanel, Spash, Garden Shop and a new penthouse suite! Kinda of exciting! I saw this in my mail, but I don't know how to get it. Anyone want to help out? It says for SS only, but I am a SS. Weird.

UPDATE: Thanks Jeremyn2005 for telling me how. For those who are a little slow like me.

Go to suite shop. Click on the suiteshop tab and you can purchase it for $149sd. I thought it was free for SS lol. I must have gotten hit on the head while I was away. I forgot Stardoll was a ll about the money ;)

So I like it and I really like the balcony, but they could have done a better job with the landscape.

So what do you think of all these new things. Did the new collections live up to you expectations and what do you feel about having a penthouse suite?

Also please catch me up! Say hello, show me who is still active and tell me whose writing you have enjoyed while I was away! Thanks!


  1. You go to the Suite Shop and click the penthouse tab and then you can buy one

  2. bought it..
    It's pretty :D
    Simply go to SuiteShop and in all those tabs you will find Penthouse
    'Tis the last one :)
    149 SD

  3. you go to suite shop, then there is a section called penthouse ,the main penthouse costs 149, then there is stuff like jaccuzziis aswell.

    hope i helped!!


  4. i think this penthouse is awesome but it's so expensive stardoll really became foolish !!!

  5. Welcome back! :)

  6. hey, you wrote in post,many like babettecouture, and I thought I could help ou but I didn't get a message... now I donno what I have to do..

  7. oh yes, and what about the runway diva comp?

  8. Oh and Welcome back! :D
    Other writers did a good job informing us ;)

    I hope you managed to catch some LE
    Or not. xD
    Now every LE and Antidote is sellable.. except last Antidote furniture..

  9. The penthouse is in Suite shop.
    I think Filipa and Sarah have been great. I also enjoyed ooglefish as a blogger

  10. Awesome ;D
    I`m glad you`re back,too bad you missed new LE :(

    Should the Runway Diva Comp continue?:D

  11. Woohoooo,Jennas back!We should have a chatbox party for this :)

  12. Nice to have you back ! The penthouse can be bought in the Suite shop. The new collections are all great, I hope you could bought them. Filipa did a great job, she posted a lot !

  13. nice to hear from you ! :)
    I've been quite ok with all of the new shops, they're cool but at the same time they have so expencive items.. :/
    about the penthouse - don't really care :D
    Mostly I have been enjoying Sarah's posts :)

  14. We definitely all missed you!!! It might seem like you missed a lot but you didn't, most of it can be bought still. It's good to know you are back. :)

  15. ya, i like the new collections,, but reallly they mean nothing to me, since im not ss :(


  16. hi! welcome back! i really liked filipinhamaria as a writer!

  17. YAY! Your back! :D
    Busy lives, school is such a drag huh?
    Sarah & filipinhamaria did a great deal informing us on new gossip! I really also liked OogleFish as a random blogger.

    And just curious; when are you going to announce the new writers for the blog? :)

  18. So glad you're back!! :D

    I like the penthouse, but it's so expensive! :s

  19. Welcome Back! I know you have missed so much! When the new LE came out I thought of you and all your LE...which is now sellable...its so crazy all the LE in the bazaar. Hope all is well!

  20. Nothing 'new' Jenna, don't worry. :P It's still about the money. :( Though I must say I'm pretty amased by the stunts they've pulled the last couple of weeks! They really made an effort to keep people interested (after dropping DKNY, Vievenne Tam, Philosophy and ELLE).
    If you don't spend a lot each month; the 'Summerpass' will tempt you with gifts and 3 months of SS to spend more (guilty as charged). Then the summer blow-out will give you gifts if you spend money (not guilty, most of those are ugly, and otherwise available in starbazaar for a penny).
    Now with all these gifts to tempt everyone to spend more they ofcourse needed new stores to cash in. So a new Kohls and Miss 60 collection first. Ofcourse Chanel came after Splash, or else less people would buy/be interested in Splash. Ofcourse LE came after Chanel and Splash or else everybody would be broke. Now why they released Le Specs last (in a price-range that'll make your stomach do an U-turn), no clue? They look like ordinairy shades, none got me interested.
    But I must say I'm a little dissapointed by LE, at least it's better than last collection. The prices also were purse-friendly. Just not so exciting.
    Most dissapointed I am with the Chanel clothes; the graphics are really a let down! With the Puff Sleeve 'JKT' nominated as the worst. I mean the details; creases, seams, shading/shadows, texture = overall not up to pase. But ofcourse hardly everyone will buy it because the tag says Chanel. Personally I don't want to see the original piece first to make me like the SD version.
    Last: the penthouse. You are so right on that one: they could've done a better job on the view. I don't like the price. I'm not thrilled enough to get over that.
    But yeah, I am looking forward to any 'sale' coming. And wondering what SD can come up next to make us spend more money.. :)

  21. Glad Your Back!
    The other writers did a good job in your absence!
    Hope you get caught up on everything! It has been crazy the past few weeks. Which of course means we all had to spend lots of money.
    ohhhh weeeellll!
    what can you expect from stardoll right?

  22. Welcome back Jen^.^


  23. luck you ur done with exams! this week is my finals but 2 good things are 1)i get to get out at around 12:30 everyday (today was the 1st day until fri) 2)this is my last week of school!

  24. Does anyone know how to change your Penthouse to nightime?

  25. Stardoll is getting kinda greedy not just to all of us non superstars but also to superstars cause why would they make a penthouse for 149 sd, that doesn't mean like superstars are $RICH$ they can buy everything they Wanted!,anyways Welcuhm bahck!

  26. Hey Jenna!
    Nice to know you're back. (:

  27. Welcome back(:
    And you didn't miss that much lol! And the writers did great!!(:

  28. so good to have you back Jenna! the writers were awesome!

  29. Hi! Glad you`re back[:
    the blog has been good as always when you were gone!

    The penthouse is really expensive ><

  30. Hey, Jenna. Welcome back! We missed you!

  31. When Im for a while not on stardoll it is always the same, then there are like 1000's of new things on stardoll that I miss.
    good to see you back.

  32. hey again, and filipinhamara (sp?) posted every day and her posts were useful and she carried the competitions on. That was useful (: and oogflefish was a very good random blogger.

    Gawd, we've missed you so much! Well, I know that I have. Lucky you! Last week of school AND almost finished exams! Haha. In England, exams have just started, and we still got 5 weeks of school left.
    Yeah, I know the feeling of being 'disconnected'. I didn't log on for a while, so I missed the news about Chanel being in spoilers. I didn't save up, so had to top-up especially! I got really annoyed because Chanel is one of my fav. Designers! Which means the penthouse is on hold because I still need to buy the rest of Chanel. Have bought some LE, but wasn't that nice.

    PS: Still need a head judge? X

  34. I like the penthouse =) I love it how the landscape turns "nighty" in late night ;P

  35. We missed you Jenna! :]
    Did you buy some le? Because most [99%) of le are sold out. :(

  36. It's pretty.. but I can't buy that.

  37. We're all alive Jenna! lol, Great having you back!!

  38. Hmm, here is an update that should not come as a surprise: The Chanel Shop, The Penthouse and LE came around at the same time, and Stardoll did tihs so people would buy stardollars

    P.S. This is not really something on Stardoll, but I am making a Stardoll Magazine called Label Magazine

  39. Oh, forgot to say, welcome back, you were very very missed!

  40. Oh, The Stardoll Freakshow awards are being sold

  41. There is new makup 2 Jenna. Aren't you excited by that 2?

  42. Hey Jenna[:
    I hope you had a nice study break :P

    I bought the Penthouse,
    But I agree - Even I could`ve done a better backdrop ;D

    Hehe, there were much less posts while you were away, But the blog is still as great as ever :D ♥

  43. Welcome back! :D
    I agree, they could've done a better version of the view for the pent house.
    The chanel collection is a-mazingg!

  44. Heey,how was the exams? :) and yh,i think the penthouse is great,2 extra rooms! so kool! but the price? perhaps not so cool,so thats why ive decided not to purchase the penthouse,seeing as i would rather save up my pennies for all the new suprises stardoll have got planned.Hopefully the new Diane Von Frustenburg store wont be the last of it all though.Ox

  45. Welcome back :D
    I like the penthouse, though i think it's kinda expencive.
    The Chanel store is gorgeous, and new LE collection too.

  46. I havent bought it yet XD
    Really dislike the city graphic :S

  47. Welcome back, Jenna! My hardest exams have passed, so I will also be more online..

    The writers updated us really well with the news and stuff, and did some polls.. For me Filipa did the most, she posted comps, her usual posts, spoilers and news! :D

    What I wasn't so pleased about is that when they put the spoilers out, I would search for the RL versions and put them in comments.
    But then the writers wouldn't update, so my effort was like for nothing.. I understand that they don't have the time and stuff, but I hope you also understand my side..

  48. It's to expensive sadly, i spent my money on LE instead of thee penthouse. :)

    Lucky all your exams have finished!!
    I still have 8 more to do for mine. :/

  49. I`d Love To Get It, When I`m Superstar Again, But I`m Not Going To Pay For It When I`m Superstar!


  50. and I'm not a superstar ;/D I really like it. And I noticed that the bakground changes ;D in 10pm it's grey, on midnight it's black and in day its blue ;]

  51. i think it is really cool but a bit to expensive!!
    p.s welcome back jenna

  52. welcome back :)
    i was busy lately too, and i've missed much on stardoll, but i'm catching up. there are a lot of new stuff, shops, penthouses etc. i think that the penthhouse is too expensive, but that's stardoll i guess. i hope you'll be more active now :)

