
Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I just log Stardoll to see LE Shop and almost pieces where sale.Then i look to the shops and Antidote Shop is no longer on Starplaza. Stardoll should send us message saying something about this. I think if Antidote Shop was gone for good we will have another new shop soon. I liked this shop very much some pieces are really gorgeous. I will miss Antidote for sure.

So any ideas of what happaned to Antidote Shop?


  1. I seen that too... I was hoping the Antidote shop would be there at least one more time, because I haven't gotten the chance to buy anything from Antidote yet! :-( >> I wasn't on Stardoll for ages and I've just come back & I have a feeling it won't be there anymore! :-( :L

  2. Yeah, I thought there was a shop missing haha :p
    Well, I'm guessing that's the end of antidote! :o

  3. I hope not, I really loved antidote art collecion (matisse dress, frida halo, etc) and I was hoping they released something similar :(

  4. maybe they r going to come out with a new collection or with a new shop !! let's say AMEN

  5. It might be because they are releasing new collection, or shop. I hope they haven't got rid of it :( xx

  6. I think this happened before, after other collections as well! If there is a big timespace between two collections, I guess they'll take it off. At least that what I remember (after the art-antidote collection). They'll put the sold-out/old collection back just right before the new one comes out.. I don't think they'll take away a shop for good without mentioning after all these messages about VT, Philosophy, ELLE and DKNY..

  7. so its gone for good right?


  8. aww! that sucks! i want kinda looking forward to the next collection!!!

  9. @princessmayoya
    I really hope that they come out with a new shop.
    It's nice to have these real brands that stay for a month, like Amy Claire and Chanel.
    But they need a new permanent shop.
    Maybe with reasonable prices?!
    Crazy idea, i know! But maybe with all the money stardoll has taken form us lately, they could at least throw us a bone.
    Just saying!

  10. I don't think they'd get rid of the shop without any farewell message! Hopefully its just a new collection coming out - yesterday the shop was empty if you clicked on it, so the rumors started. If they decided to get rid of it completely it's a shame, aside from the last collection they had some great pieces :\


  11. OMG is it gone?
    Do you think that Antidote is gone or will there be a new collection? I love Antidote (and LE) and really hoped for a new collection...

  12. I would like to see an new collection...I hope it's better than last times though(:

  13. I think it's gone because of how bad the last collection was going. Just before they deleted the shop, it still had some pieces available for sale.

  14. Everyone's buying 'Chanel' because it's designer - other than that I think it's Crap.

    It's like LE && Anitdote but some pieces are nice

    We need a nice shop with reasonble prices.

  15. I don't want a new collection.. but it is probably because stardoll needs some money.. and more people who bought all le will buy stardollars and stardoll will be like: YES! greedy greedy greedy!!! Everything must be greedy! Mwuahaha! *Puts high antidote prices* YEEES!! :|

  16. Um, well I am okay with it, as long as LE is still here

  17. Oh calm down, its just a shop.

    Most likely they are just redoing it for a new season, if not, well then I am not surprised they didn't give it a farewell since.. once the items are sold out, they won't be sold again in store, so it wouldn't make sense to tell people its leaving when there is nothing to buy.

  18. Oh, no, I will miss it too :( It was a pretty shop with accesible prices..(cuz the items were limited so the prices were pretty good..)Hope it's just a mistake x_X

  19. Hmm.. The jeans and art collection was very nice! But the rest wasn't really for me..
    In the end, I won't really miss it.

  20. hm, won't be back anymore ?
    i don't really care, the last Antidote collections have been as bad as a huuuge disaster so no worries,

  21. I Like Antidote, But If You Remember The Last Collection Was UGLY! It Wasn`t Selling Much, So Maybe They Thought No One Liked The Store Anymore & Got Rid Of It.


  22. i never eally like antidote...mabey they are making room for new stores :) hopefully something replaces it htough!

  23. ohhh :/ i liked antidote. the prizes were lower than LE, and there were some good collections.

