
Sunday, April 26, 2009

MS. FAB FASHION- Month of April

In case you don't know, I have another blog called Fab Fashion (click HERE) and it's all about who's looking fabulous on Stardoll and being positive.

Well this is the end of our 1st month and we have a poll up to determine our Ms. Fab Fashion for the month of April. The winner gets the title Ms. Fab Fashion and $100sd code!

The nominees and the pics are all posted so if you can, please go over take a look, vote & if you like become a follower. Who knows maybe you could be our next Ms. Fab Fashion. xoxo Jenna

***The poll is only for our club members and blog if you have proof of someone asking for votes, please contact me immediately. Thanks!


  1. I absolutely loved their outfits :3
    Cant wait to see if the any of the people i voted will win!!!

  2. OkAY, Sure'll Vote
    iHope 2 Be Featured 1 day..
    But I am not good at using mini shop items, only regular clothing...

  3. yes i luv your other blog to!!! i wish i could make cool outfits like theres. very hard to vote though ,lol

  4. Oooh this is going to be hard. I love pretty much every single outfit there!
