
Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Cut- Task 1 Finalists- (29 people)

I'm sure you've all been dying to find out how all the contestants at the cut are doing...;)

Well. it was a rocky road at first. A lot of replacements and replacements for the replacements going on. lol. So a lot of people got a 2nd chance from the honorable mention list. In the end there ended up being 42 people competing (At the last minute we added 2 bonus people to stir things up a bit).

The 1st official task was inspired by Project Runway. They had to use only items found in a grocery/kitchen store (ex: items found under food in the minishop) to make a cocktail dress.

Many rose to the challenge and created amazing masterpieces, but others just were at a loss for an idea... and it showed. 29 made the cut and will go on to the next task, 14 were eliminated.

If you don't remember, each judge picks their top 28. The votes are calculated and the people with the most votes make the cut. Our judges are: (Click on their name to visit them!)

The 28 people who made the cut and will go on to compete in task #2 are:

1. Filipinhamaria

2. Ciaraleanne
3. Ayfairy

4. Bluegreen86
5. Pirates_Soccer
6. Fashion.Fantasy
7. Fionamcgonigle
8. Melissa54321
9. Sarah_is_yellow

10. Lara_Madden
11. MissCunha
12. Laocaloca
13. Sahar-star
14. We3forever
15. Gyrgyr
16. Robinbird00
17. Rosie333.
18. Sarah_Sugerplum
19. Cutegirlangel11
20. LittleMunckin
21. Bolsje
22. Fifibannana
23. MissDiorCherie.
24. Daddysangel02
25. Ewonline
26. Sandra_1992***
27. …Singstar…
28. Katielove1
29. Colleenp87

*The first 9 people deserve special recognition & congratulations as they received 6 out of 6 votes! Meaning they were unanimously voted by all 6 judges! Great job!

But the over all winner for this round, who will get to choose between a $200sd code & Invinciability in the next round is....Fashion.Fantasy!
Amazing job by all and again congrats to those who made it!

Here are the pics: (click to enlarge)
*Now the cynical might be thinking..mine was better, or they picked their friends or whatever, but it's just not true. It's really impossible for 1 or even 2 people to get their friends in unless they did a good job. As for thinking yours was better..well I guess 6 judges did not agree or maybe they did and you were late/didn't follow the rules in which case you loss points. So better luck next time.

*Also, for those that will ask about Katielove1..who was originally disqualified. She ended up being a last minute replacement for a replacement as she has been on vacation and did not see the change where we made it very clear not to use clothes. Her out fit was truly not altered by the removal of the skirt.



  2. OMG thank you so much! I am so honored!!

  3. Congrats Everyone!! Those Outfits Were Truly AMAZING!!! X

  4. WOW, I am like screaming now! 6 out of 6 votes and being the overall winner, wow i'm really amazed! Thank you so much :) Congratulations to the other 27 that are going to the next round :D

  5. Wow, Fashion.Fantasy's outfit is ah-mazing!


  7. Thank you so much! ;D
    And Fashion.Fantasy looks stunning good job every one ^.^

  8. wow! thanks so much Jenna and the judges!! ahh! im so happy!! =D


  9. katielove1 is disqaulifed you moron

  10. This competition is AMAZING! And the outfits...STUNNING! :O
    I sooo wish I entered now!

  11. hmmm... i guess half an hour and 20 stardolars wasn't good enough...


  12. OMG! Thank you so much! I didn't think I did good enough but I must have to have recieved 6/6 votes! :]
    Thank you!
    Woo! And its my bday today (27th) so I am so happy! x

  13. Anonymous moron..maybe if you actually read the post (if you can read that is), you'd have seen that she was allowed back and the reason.

    And the other cowardly anonymous person. I guess not. IOt really wasn't necessary to spend money..just be creative.

  14. I am so so honored! I`m deeply grateful! THANK YOU! xxx ayfairy

  15. Yayy!! I am so honored, thankful, proud and happy that I get to move on! And wow 6 out of 6 votes is incredible and I am so happy about that!

    Also congrats to Fashion.Fantasy and the other 28 finalists :D

  16. thankyou so much for letting me back into the competition & for everything really. im so glad i got the opportunity to be back in the cut & thanks so much to ALL the judges for letting me throught into the next round :]

    -much love, from katieLOVE1

  17. Yay! Thanks so much! I was nervous about this one! Congrats everyone!!!

  18. Wait, wasn`t Mateya95 supposed to be in The Cut at some point?
    (I saw it her GB)

    And wow, I really love some of those dresses...!

  19. there good mine would have been better except my album wasn't working.

    xoxo purrdymuffin

  20. AnonymousBiatch said...
    Wait, wasn`t Mateya95 supposed to be in The Cut at some point?
    (I saw it her GB)

    And wow, I really love some of those dresses...!

    O__o Do you stalk me now? xD

  21. Anonymousbiatch.. yes mateya was asked, but she did not get the message in time as she wasn't on I had to ask someone else.
