
Monday, September 7, 2020

Cycle: Task 3


Hi y'all!
Everyone who completed the last task can continue! Your scores will updated here by the end of Tuesday!

Remember, there will be NO ELIMINATIONS, however you must complete each task on time in order to be able to do the next task. 

Now for the second task...
Task 3: Limited Basics
For this task, you must pick a limited brand and style their items with only STARCOIN ITEMS. Limited brands includes: Limited Edition, Antidote, Young Hollywood, RUNWAY, and Tribute Season Items, including all brands. Starcoin items can come from anystore but if you are having trouble remember BASICS has a lot of items. You must make 3 outfits. You MUST use the same limited brand in EACH outfit.
Please include a breakdown of the items, specifically the starcoin items.
Your outfits DO NOT have to match one anther and DO NOT have to be cohesive.

You will be graded on the following things:

- Color : Do the colors in your outfit go with one another?
-Complexity: Did you do more than just put a top and bottom together? Did you step outside fo the box? (10pts)
-Cohesiveness: Do the pieces you choose flow together well? Are some bulky on the doll? Do the colors go well together? (10pts)
-Judges Choice: Would the judge grading wear these outfits?? (10pts)
-Did you include a list of the items in your outfit? (5pts) You can use any doll(s) you want, just be sure to give them credit. If you have any questions, tag me below (Alex), message me on Facebook (Alex Saab), or message me on Stardoll although I don't check my messages as often on there (boookay).

This will close Sunday, August 13th at 11:59PM EST.

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