
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Joint Cycle 2: Task 5

Hi y’all!

We are currently working on grading and feedback for the first task and I should have all info out by the end of Wednesday! The poll will be up by the end of today!

Once scores are available, you'll be able to view them here. Be sure to click the 'Cycle 2' tab at the bottom!

You can refer to the rules of the cycle here

15 Items or More
This is a Jane idea! For this task you must style an outfit that includes at least 15 Items. The outfit must be cohesive and the 15 items must be visible. The goal here is to encourage you all to layer your items. Be sure to put what the names of your items are.

It does not matter what attire you use!

For this task you will be graded on: A list of the items you used (5pts), An outfit (10pts), Layering and creativity (10pts).

Each outfit will be graded based on cohesiveness (do the colors within your outfit match one another? do the pieces fit each other well? do the patterns and textures go?). You will be judged on creativity so don't just put together a top and a pair of pants. Step outside of your comfort zone.

This task will close next Saturday, August 17th at 11:59PM EST.

At that time a poll will go up and the next task will be posted. Feedback will be sent to everyone within the following days. 

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!


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