
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Joint Cycle 2: Task 3 -

Hi y’all!

We are currently working on grading and feedback for the first task and I should have all info out by the end of Wednesday! The poll will be up by the end of today!

Once scores are available, you'll be able to view them here. Be sure to click the 'Cycle 2' tab at the bottom!

You can refer to the rules of the cycle here

This week we actually have an idea inspired out of my head. If you dislike it, blame it on Jane (kidding).

Celeb Influenced

This is a task I wanted to do last Cycle but decided to save it! For this task you must create a fashion line with 3 outfits inspired by your favorite celebrity's style! Some of my favorite celebs whose style I adore include: Blake Lively, Rihanna, and Selena Gomez.

If you are stuck on finding a celeb, Elle & Vogue do great recaps of Celeb's best looks as well as the best looks of the week!

For this task, I recommend NOT recreating a celeb's outfit based on pieces that are on Stardoll that they may have worn. I would NOT try recreating their outfits exactly.

You can definitely use an outfit for inspiration and explain what you took from the outfit! Another suggestion is maybe getting 3 looks and taking a trend from each look and incorporating those trends into your line. The options are endless but remember to be original and creative!

For this task you must include: A name for your fashion line (5pts) , how you incorporated your celeb into your look (5pts) , 3 outfits (10pts each), and if the outfits all go together ( 10 points).

This task you won't have points specifically for how creative you are but please try to push you boundaries still. Each outfit will be graded based on cohesiveness (do the colors within your outfit match one another? do the pieces fit each other well? do the patterns and textures go?).

We want you all to push yourselves! I will try to have an example outfit posted by Wednesday with grades from another judge.

This task will close in 2 weeks Saturday, August 3rd at 11:59PM EST.

At that time a poll will go up and the next task will be posted. Feedback will be sent to everyone within the following days. 

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!


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