
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Interview with Velve

Last week's featured chat member was the lovely Velve. She became active on the blog last year and has definitely impressed us with her creativity and out of the box thinking, but also her kindness. I absolutely adored her featured look; something about that combo of brown and teal was to die for! I feel like I might steal the look later. lol.
Velve is a 21 year old architect from Albania. :D She also creates some amazing rooms in her suite and I love her all-white aesthetic.

Q: How did you decide on your career?

A: I honestly don't know how I ended up being one. I had different plans for my future. Looking back at when I was about to decide what I was going to do, the memory of it is foggy, I didn't have a reason for changing my plans in the last minute. I guess going to architecture university was just destiny. But, I must add that I'm very good at drawing, sometimes I feel like, maybe it affected my decision. I couldn't do a job if it didn't contain something I love doing.

Q: What is your favorite color? Do colors change your mood?

A: My favorite color has always been black. Other than black I feel like I can only pull off red and sometimes white. Other colors do affect my mood, for bad. I absolutely adore seeing them, but not on myself. Although I sometimes do experiment with colorful stuff on Stardoll.

Q: What is one food that you can't live without? What is one food that you hate?

A: I love spicy food. And about hating one, I'd say meat but it isn't actually hate, just a sad topic.

Q: What's your favorite music to listen to when you're sad? Do sad songs makes you sadder or feel better?

A: Metal helps dealing with sadness, in my case. About sad songs, I think they do not make you feel better of course not, but they make you feel less lonely and remind you that you're not the only one who is experiencing unpleasant things. Sad lyrics are art, and art never comes from happiness.

Q: What's the best costume you've ever had?

A: I once tried to cosplay Rosario Vampire (anime) it turned out pretty good.

Q: If someone were to play you in a movie, who would you want it to be?

A: My role would be perfectly played by Tessa Santiago. Even though she's much older than me, I see myself in her.

Q: What's one thing about you that surprises people?

A: I'm a very quiet person, so often when people cross their line, they are surprised by me standing up for myself.

Q: Do you get energy from being around other people or do you prefer to be alone?

A: I'm an introvert. Being around people drains my energy, it's very uncomfortable to be in a crowd. If I'm hanging out or talking to someone a lot it means I enjoy their presence in my life just as much as I enjoy my solitude. But, I'm glad to have connected with some amazing people in life, and that incldues everyone in SMW.

Q: Do you wear perfume? If so, what are your favorite scents/notes?

A: Perfumes irritate my skin but I do wear it occasionally, when I do, I prefer fresh smelling perfumes.

Q: Do you feel like your physical appearance is a good way to express yourself?

A: I do have a physical appearance way to express myself. My signature look is an all black outfit, red lips, dark and very long hair. It really tells a lot about who I am. Once I cut my hair short for the very first time, and changed style for a year. People changed their ways of acting around me. Because I wasn't "me" anymore. I'm so glad it grew back.

Q: Do you enjoy art? Who are your favorite artists?

A: Art is one of the most important things in my life. Personally, I'm good at drawing. Besides my profession, I am also obsessed with writing and music. For this interview, I'd like to mention the work of Edmund Leighton "Stitching the Standard" from 1911. There's something about this painting that makes me stare at it for too long.

Q: What is your favorite movie that you could watch over and over again?

A: 'Please Come Back Mister' is a K-drama that I watched and would watch over and over again. It just has a very powerful meaning. It is simply beautiful.

Q: What are you most thankful for?

A: I'm thankful for everything that came into my life, both good and bad, everything that made me value things I have. Now that I'm aware of my blessings, I should start going with the flow.

Q: What are some things you want to accomplish or do in your life?

A: I actually have a '101 Things to Do in Life' list. I'm halfway into completing it. Most exciting thing that I am yet to accomplish is scuba diving.

Q: Where is one place you've always wanted to visit?

A: I traveled a lot but unfortunately I haven't visited Egypt yet. It has been a dream since I was small.

Q: What do you most want to learn?

A: I would love to learn more languages, maybe soon I'll start to.

Q: How do you like to spend your free time?

A: I always spend my free time with my sister or my mom. If they're not around, spiritual exercises like meditation and yoga make me very happy.

Q: What's the best thing that happened to you this year?

A: The best thing that happened to me this year is, I realized I never loved myself enough.

Q: What are you most looking forward to?

A: I'm looking forward to visiting Prague again. It has been only months since I was there and I'm already hoping for the next opportunity to visit, or maybe even live there while finishing my next degree.

Q: What is your favorite thing to read?

A: I'm into gothic literature. I also usually use it to develop concepts for my projects.

Q: If you could time travel, where would you go?

A: I'd love love love to travel back to the 1800s.

Q: If you could have any designer item in real life, what would it be?

A: Alexander McQueen Magnificent Goth Gown by Sarah Burton (1st collection)

Q: What is the best piece of advice you'v ever received?

A: I read this somewhere when I was very young. "I believe in God. Never panic, just pray."

Thank you so much Velve for the interview!

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