
Tuesday, April 2, 2019


April 2, as you may know is Autism Awareness Day. I know many of you might have issues with the color blue or where the movement originates from. I understand that and can't necessarily disagree. I do not support the organization Autism Speaks, but there are many valid organizations out there that support autism.  I personally believe that awareness is a good thing. To me awareness is more than knowing about the disorder. It's acceptance, education and lastly action. I hope we all consider that and work towards a better future.

So, controversy aside, let's unite on the idea and wear blue today in support of autism awareness.

*This is a combined club/blog comp

Create a blue outfit in support of autism awareness and post the pic in comments.
~Post the pic in comments
~Don't forget your Stardoll name
~Open for 48 hours
~Min 10 entries


Join me, I'm wearing blue.

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