
Sunday, March 31, 2019

WOW #7

Hi y'all!

As I sit here enjoying my Sunday evening watching the last of March Madness college basketball, I think back to my Senior year when I was one of the recipients of the "Jimmy V" award in the department at my University. I was so shocked when I received the award because Jimmy V was an inspiration not only at our University but in the Sports world. 

For those of you who don't know, Jimmy Valvano was a college basketball coach that lead my alma mater, North Carolina State University, to their second title in 1983. He more known for his speech at the 1993 ESPYS. Valvano had found out that he had terminal cancer and in his acceptance speech for the Arthur Ashe award, he took the time to express his love for life and tell others to enjoy it while they still can. I highly recommend reading or listening to his speech because it is inspiring. 

The one quote that people recognize from his speech is "Don't give up... don't ever give up".

One reason why I love this quote is that it is the motto for the Jimmy V Cancer Foundation. One thing you all will learn is that I am an open book. One thing some of you may not know about me is that I had a cancer scare before I entered University. I was 17 at the time and it honestly was one of the scariest moments in my life. I have a fear of the unknown and not knowing whether or not I had cancer was extremely scary. I remember the doctor telling my mom and I that there was a possibility and my mom just broke down. It was one of the moments where I just numbed up and didn't have a response. I was scared as hell but in the moment, I realized that crying wasn't going to help. After a surgery and a summer filled with hospital visits I was cleared and told that I didn't have cancer. Many people don't have the luxury of being told that. But they are some of the hardest fighters I've ever seen. Everyday they put their best foot forward and see things through, not giving up. 

Outside of that, there are many instances in life where I haven't given up, where I've continued to try even when the odds were against me. So I want to ask you all, is there a moment in your life where you've had persevere and keep pushing when the odds were against you?

Hope y'all have a wonderful week ahead!


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