
Sunday, March 24, 2019

WOW #6

Hi y'all!

Hope y'all had a good weekend! After taking a week off of work, I somehow got sick so now I get to go back into work sniffling and coughing up a storm. Although sick, I made plans to go to lunch and to see a movie with a friend and I didn't want to break my plans. We ended up seeing Jordan Peele's latest film, "Us". 

I watched Peele's last movie "Get Out" twice. The first time, I was to distracted by my phone to truly pay attention to what was going on. After having a friend tell me to give it another go, I decided to. In watching it that second time I realized that you have to be engaged from start to finish to grasp not only what is going on but why things are happening. After watching it the second time, I became a fan of his.

When it was announced his next film was coming out, I was both excited and torn. I didn't know if he could live up to his first movie. After reading a few reviews of the movie, I went in with a negative expectation; however, coming out of the movie I realized that it is totally viewers discretion. I 100% enjoyed the movie and definitely liked that it had multiple messages sprinkled throughout the film.  

This post's quote comes from Jordan Peele himself: "Like comedy, horror has an ability to provoke thought and further the conversation on real social issues in a very powerful way" - Jordan Peele. 
I personally love Horror movies which is one reason I was looking forward to Us. I will definitely say that the movie made me think while keeping me on edge. Even now as I write this post I am still connecting the dots of specific scenes in the movie. Movies, like any other art form, allow for the artist to tell a story and bring attention to subjects and issues they think matter.

My question to you all is: Have y'all ever had a movie that truly makes you think? Even if it doesn't make you think has there been a movie that has a great message that still sticks to you today?

As always, those of you who participate will receive gifts :)

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