
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Interview with regikenneth97 (Regina)

Hi everyone! I'm glad you enjoyed the last interview. I'm supposed to be interviewing SoMillie this week, but she's been a little busy irl. So, I've gone ahead and interviewed last week's featured member, Regina! Congrats Regina!
If you spend any time on chat, you definitely know her! She is always there with kind words of encouragement for everyone and a new ootd almost every day! Regina is a 21 year old from Mexico and is studying Law.

Q: What do you look like irl?
A: My eyes are dark brown and my hair is almost black. I don't regularly dye my hair, so it's natural.

Q: What are your goals in life?
A: When I was a little girl I always wanted to be a doctor, but I didn't have the opportunity to study in a traditional university. That is why I'm studying Law online. But now my goal is to live in Ireland or own a boutique.

Q: What language do you think in?
A: Haha. Sometimes I think in Spanish, but I want to practice my English so almost all my thoughts are in English. I never went to an independent English school, so what I know is self-taught.

Q: When did you join SD?
A: This is my first account. I started in 2010 when I was 13. There weren't good moments at school, so I abandoned the game and returned in 2014. Since then I've been very active.

Q: What do you enjoy doing in real life?
A: I love music. I'm always listening to my favorite music. I try to sing, but I'm not very good at singing. haha. Also I play guitar; I have an acoustic one. I used to play bass, but we had to sell it. My father is thinking about buying a new electric guitar and bass because he loves to play too.

Q: What is your favorite kind of music?
A: I love rock and metal music. My favorite bands are Alice in Chains, Tool and the Sisters of Mercy. Also, I love disco, 90s pop, 90s rock, R&B and classical.

Q: What is your favorite TV Show?
A: My favorite TV Show at the moment is Gotham.

Q: Has Stardoll been a good or bad influence for you?
A: I think it has been a good influence. I have met wonderful people with this game. Also, it helps me with fashion and interacting with people. Studying online at home doesn't let you socialize with others, so this is the only way I have to speak with others.

Q: Who is your favorite fashion designer?
A: I don't have a specific one. But I like many brands, like Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Dior and Alexander McQueen.

Q: What is your favorite recent collection?
A: Definitely Alexander McQueen Fall/Winter 2019. This collection took my eyes, my heart and my soul.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration for your looks?
A: At the beginning, it was with fashion magazines. I was trying to follow some trends, but after years I started to have my own style. I mean, I'm not 100% original, but I try to wear the items that I like the most and give some of my essence.

Q: Are you artistic in other aspects of your life?
A: Just in music. I used to create some sounds with the guitar, but I suck at writing songs. haha. I would like to write some stories about my weird dreams. Since I was 15, I started to have weird and terrible dreams and I think that they could be good for horror stories. I love paints, but I don't have talent. My family is full of artists; some paint, some play instruments, but I think that I don't have that gift.

Q: How close is your style on SD to your own personal style irl?
A: Not at all, haha. My doll can use everything, but in real life I only use jeans, a blouse and sneakers. haha. I wish I could have all of the clothes in my SD wardrobe.

Q: Do you collect a lot of clothes/accessories?
A: In Stardoll, I always search for jackets over the shoulder. Since I came back in 2014, I fell in love with those jackets, so I try to look for them to collect all that I can haha.

Q: How would people, in real life, describe your personality?
A: They say that I'm funny, shy, creative and a very kind person. I think I'm just kind and maybe funny. I make my family laugh all the time, but I don't consider myself funny. But, to be honest, I think people must also know that I'm too soft. I cry with everything and I'm nervous.

Q: Do the people in your life know about Stardoll? What do they think of it?
A: My family knows about Stardoll. My mother likes it, my sister doesn't like my outfits and my father never can remember it. I tried to talk about SD with my cousins and aunt, but it was awkward.

Q: Which SD activity do you do the most?
A: Dressing my doll. I have many clothes and I try to wear almost all of them, but I end up using the same clothes as always. haha. Sometimes I lose inspiration and I create a simple outfit, but I like to be creative.

Q: What is a fun fact that we don't know about you?
A: Hmm, maybe it is not too funny, but for me it is. haha. I use to have bad notes in English class in the past. haha. Not because I didn't know the language, my teachers said that I was good, but I'm terrible with exams. So, I get nervous and I ruin everything. haha. Maybe it was not only English, it was Math, Spanish, History, Geography, etc. I was terrible in school.
Thank you so much Regina for the interview. And thank you for always participating in the blog and wowing us with your beautiful outfits!
 You can visit Regina here: Regina's Suite

As always, if you have any questions you would like answered, please leave them in the comments below.

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