
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Alex's WOW #5

Hi y'all!
Hope you all are having a wonderful week! Earlier this week I saw question posted in Chat that I wanted to respond to; however, I didn't feel it was the appropriate time for me to respond. So in response, I decided to find a quote that related to the question. 

The question that was posed stated something along the lines of: Do people around the world find it strange that Americans celebrate a heritage they are so far removed from?

The quote that I choose to go along with this was: "You have to stay true to your heritage; that's what your brand is about" -Alice Temperley

As a Black American, I personally do not find myself celebrating my heritage often if at all. When Black History month comes around in the States, I do find myself getting more curious about heritage and culture. I do consider myself a Black American and not an African American because in my mind they are two different thing. I am so far removed from my ancestors from Africa that I don't think it is appropriate. I found out last year that my mom's side of the family originated from Cameroon. It is definitely something I found interesting but I'll admit I haven't looked further into it. An African American, similar to an Asian American, in my eyes, is someone who was born in another country or has parents that were born in said country and therefore calls themselves that. 

With that said, I can honestly say I don't embrace or celebrate my heritage. It is not something that I personally need to do to feel better. I have found that my friends however constantly embrace their heritage, no matter how far removed they are from it. It is something that their parents have kept alive and passed down to them. I feel as if some people embrace heritage because it gives them a sense of ownership and welcoming. It is something that they can always rely on that makes them unique. Some people have a need of feeling as if they belong and being able to rely on something that can't be taken away.

So to answer the question in short, I do not find that it is strange Americans want to celebrate their heritage no matter how far removed they are. When it all comes down to it, all Americans (minus Native Americans) are immigrants. None of us originated here and allows for us to connect to where we came from. This is totally my opinion and I could have taken it in the wrong context.

My question to y'all is what do you all think about this question and do you have a response to it? 

As always gifts are given randomly to those that participate! 


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