
Monday, February 25, 2019


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I thought this would be fun to have on the blog for those slow days!
It is inspired by a suggestion from Giniaparks.

It's simple. 
Style the person who posted before you.

~The FIRST person can style me or one of the moderators.

Hopefully this will keep going and going :)

~The person waiting to be styled can leave it as a free styling or give the next person a challenge like a theme or a particular item. 

Note: You can find this tab on the menu bar under Sales & Other Pages

Under the same tab, we now have our sales page and our real life versions (RLV) page

You are welcome to post a sale in chat, but please only due it once. Since things get lost in chat so easily, I wanted to have  a permanent place where you could post as well as an easy place to goif you are looking for sales.

Why not give your fellow blog members your money first!

The RLV Page is the same as before... where you can list any real life versions for us to add to the blog post.

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