
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Wear my Hotbuys // 1

Hey everyone, I'm super excited to start this awesome challenge I thought of. Because this blogs domain is HotBuysBazaar I thought, hey let's do something about hotbuys? As you know, Hot Buys are (was) Stardoll's coveted limited clothes that we (used) to go crazy over! 

I will be posting one look every Sunday, incorporating only 1 random Hot Buy mixed into a unique look. Every Hot Buy I own will be used only once! Get ready for a crazy amount of looks.

I painfully wrote down every single one of my hot buys, and put them into a bowl. Lord don't let me lose them.

The Fates have chosen for me to style:

Evil Panda Hotbuys Leopard Cape

Bad Mom's Day Off
I'm really not a fan of this particular HotBuy. It looks like something you would wear if you were a single mom who smokes 3 packs a day. Anyway, lets hope the Fates give us something good next week yeah?

XoXo Roxy

Have this particular HotBuy? Post a look in the comments and I'll feature my FAVORITE in next weeks Wear My Hotbuys!

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