
Tuesday, August 7, 2018


This position is for someone who wants to  POST RELEASES. 
Image result for writer wanted
It is OPTIONAL to post about Hot Buy releases. It is OPTIONAL to post about spoilers.

It is REQUIRED for you post about new store releases ASAP, so long as no other writer has beaten you to it. 

Release posts must include screenshots, store/item name, amount of floors, maximum and minimum prices, and if it is limited (and if so, if any of it has sold out at all already.)

You may also choose to include a few sentences on how you feel, or how those in the chat page feel, abo
ut the release. 

Here are some examples of Release posts:

Other World Release - Lucy (No opinions)
Callie's Picks - Agnes (No Opinions )
Off-White Release - Anja (Shares Long Opinions)
More Limited Edition - Lucy (Shares Short Opinions)

If you are interested in posting tips and tricks, reviews, or competitions, you CAN do those things but ONLY if you are consistently fulfilling your release posting duties first.  Be aware that any and all comps you choose to host must have prizes supplied by you, or someone who has agreed to do it beforehand.

Large comps like cycles or with prizes over 100sd MUST be discussed with a senior writer beforehand (Lucy, Jenna, Agnes,) and not just posted out of the blue. This is for everyone's peace of mind! We don't want you to underestimate the numbers or expected entries, to realize you can't supply the prize, or to clash with other pre-planned comps.

Create your own user feedback survey

If you do get this position, we reserve the right to remove you at any given point, should you fail to properly complete your given duties, or if you break our rules.

 These include no posting self-promo posts, no trading, no selling things for over 600sd, or selling sc clothes for sd, no posting 'hacks',no bullying,  and so on. 

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