
Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Game of Luck Season 2 - Elimination Ceremony 1 + Top 15

Welcome back to Season 2 of The Game of Luck! Last week we saw the first round play out, with 14 contestants safely moving on to week 2. Unfortunately Regikenneth97, and Pedromane94 landed in a voting ceremony to save their position in the top 15.

Who gets to move onto round 2? Regikenneth97, or Pedromane94?

Congrats Pedromane64! You had the most votes to be saved!

Regikenneth97, thank you so much for participating! You get 15sd worth of wishlist items!

Now, onto the next round.

15 contestants are left in this contest! Only 14 get to move on!

The first name picked is...

JudyellaFairy, congrats! You move onto the next round!

The next name is,

Exabella, well done!!!

The next name that is safe is....

Ann_Devil, well done, you move onto the next round!

The next names that are called are safely moving onto the next round!


You can now relax, for one more week that is.

Aniyah-xxxx, Vampirefreak121, and Dollwars34, only 1 of you will be safe from the Voting Ceremony. That contestant is....

Aniyah-xxxx, you are moving onto the next round! Nice job!

Unfortunetly, Dollwars34, and Vampirefreak121, one of you will be eliminated next week! Good luck!

Vote now

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