
Friday, January 19, 2018

Tributes comp - Create your own collection!

Hello dolls, as I promised I'm launching the Tributes comp I mentioned in Chat. 
Thank you for everyone for their suggestions!

For this competition, I want you to create your very own fashion brand and introduce your 1st collection to us!

What you have to do:

- come up with a concept and make it into outfits like in a collection. This means minimum 3 but maximum 6 outfits.
- all outfits in your collection must have the same concept, but you cannot use the same main items twice in the collection (except for accessories: bags, shoes and jewellery etc)
- the more creative the better
- no photo editing, except background
- you can create your looks in starplaza
- don't forget your username
- comp is open till Jan 28, 2018 

The winner will win 100 sd what they can spend on however they want. 
At least 15 people must enter to launch this comp.

Good luck!

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