
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Happy Birthday giannoula5

One of out long-standing blog members, and part of the Inspired By/RLV team, this glamorous doll has the brains, the beauty, and the suite to boot!


Just one of her many gorgeously decorated suite rooms:

Did I mention she's also turning 21? Because I'm sure you all know what
  that means.... apparently, she hasn't changed too much in 5 years! Still rocking the gowns and decorating.

Make sure to check the rest out when you click HERE to visit and wish her Happy Birthday!

Just as Jenna and all our writers put effort into making this a great blog to follow, there are also so many wonderful contributing members, who we hope to honor by making these posts on such very special days.

Some people win, some people don't, but it's always nice to share the love. 

Gifts are not compulsory, but very much appreciated.

Birthday tips can be found HERE.

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