
Monday, April 10, 2017


FIRST: I will be super busy with University work over the next few weeks and through the end of May. I will come on as I can, but could use any help in posting comps etc.. I will pay the prizes, I just need help posting. I know MadDrumFairy and Aonuk will help when they can, but I'd like to add a few more people and that way whoever is available can just make the post. Let me know if you are interested in helping. Feel free to make a comment or contact me at Emorox4eva or on fb.

We could also use a few more judges as everyone is getting busy. If you don't like to create as much as look at everyone's outfits then judging may be a great option for you. It's pretty flexible and you can still enter comps when you want.. so let me know if you're interested.

Now on to the business at hand...

As you can see above, there is a new floor of Evil Panda.

Real Versions:
Thanks to Whatsernam3, Cosimasaskia, Lilyhippo and CoolRachael

Sometimes I find cute things in Evil Panda, but it is not really my favorite store. I always have to be convinced.

Create an outfit using at least 1 main clothing item (not accessory) from the new Evil Panda release.

~Post the pic in comments
~Don't forget your Stardoll name

WIN $50sd

Ends April 14th, 2017 midnight.

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