
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Photo a Day Challenge - Day 4

5 days to get to know you a little bit better!

Each day I will post a challenge and you have until the deadline to complete the tasks. This time you don't have to participate in all 5 days for a chance to win, however I'd like to ask you to be active as much as you can :)

DAY 4 (Thursday): On holiday

Post a photo you've taken of a place you've travelled to in the past year.
It can be either abroad or somewhere in your own country.
No pictures from the internet this time please :)

Example: I visited North West England last summer. This was taken in a town called Kendal, which is famous for its old marketplace, ancient buildings and castle ruins. The town is also the home of Catherine Parr's (6th wife of King Henry VIII) ancestors.

For each of the 5 days, participants will be put in a raffle and winners will get to choose an item from the special selection I've collected for this comp! Click HERE to see it in the main post.

You have until February 11 (Wednesday) Midnight USA EST to post your photos!

Please remember:
~ Post pic NOT link in Comments 
~ Crop out anything you don't want to be seen
~ Don't forget to leave your STARDOLL NAME
~ You must be a follower (Click the join this site button on the left side bar)
~ You must have sent a membership request to the club Hotbuys_Bazaar
~ You must sign in to Disqus (Guests won't be accepted)
~ Must have at least 15 entries a day for prizes to be awarded

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