
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Stardoll reacts to the Miss Stardoll World scandal

Lots of members were disappointed by the results of Miss Stardoll World yesterday. Numerous petitions have started to spread on the site in connection with Stardoll's unfair choice of limited countries. The staff has been contacted several times by hundreds of members but the answers and brief reasons were just not acceptable.

The main problem is Stardoll refused to accounce that they would only choose the top 30 countries with the highest amount of votes and participation. This information was told yesterday through dollmail when contacted personally, and of course shocked everyone as it started to spread. There have been lots of gorgeous and talented dolls putting a lot of effort in campaigning and they didn't even get the chance to get in.

When I thought members would give up begging to Stardoll for a reasonable answer, this Instagram pic was posted. Note the first 2 comments (click to enlarge)! The staff listened to our complaints and is preparing to answer officially. We'll see tomorrow what they have for us. This situation has to be cleared up. I can't wait.


  1. I'm so curious. There were many talented people from other countries, they should be given some chance too.

  2. I have heard in past years that some countries have been unable to participate. So it isn't a surprise that this year some countries have lost out. However it is how they have lost out that is unfair.

  3. but USUALLY the do like the top 50 or so, not 30!

    And then they narrow it to each continent, and THEN the finalists.

  4. I got THIS (pic) as a response to my complaint.

    Still not a good answer though. @miss.brigitte

  5. yeah but stardoll dissagrees.

    The USED to give every country a semifinalist and then inly the top per continent would actually be there but now it's just the top 30 countries.

    I mean the top 50 I can accept but 30 is pathetic!

  6. Not enough votes? SMH! I thought people were able to vote internationally. As in they can vote for different countries, not limited to their own location. I find it odd, that some of the countries that weren't selected had limited number of votes. I had many dolls spamming my guestbook for votes, which means, many people from across the globe could've voted for them. Therefore, there could have been a top 50 for this year.

  7. I'm really curious how are they going to address the issue. So far I'm less than impressed: calling your customers "rude" when they have every right to be angry and sending them "positive vibes" is just not good enough. Honestly, I doubt we will be satisfied with tomorrows announcement.

  8. Ignorant company, they seriously could care lless, all they want is OUR money

  9. Stardoll should give everyone a matter how small the country is or how small the population is....I pay for my member ship and stardollars...I being kicked out just because of the country is very disappointing :/

  10. I was so mad when I didn't see Ireland in the list of countries!!
    They accept money from Irish phone networks (I use my mobile/cell phone to buy Superstar Membership and Stardollars) with no hesitation, yet not even one single Irish person got through?
    What if there was one Irish member with 3 million votes? Because Ireland is a small country, there is no way it could have possibly gotten as many collective votes as the USA, for example.
    It's totally unfair. They should have included the top 3, 5 or 10 people from each country. Surely that wouldn't have been too hard?
    I may be wrong, but I feel like this is some sort of discrimination.

    ~ starbursrts

  11. agreed. It's not rude to send angry messages, especially when the messages are completely in the right, and Stardoll is in the wrong. Stardoll can get upset all they want, but the truth of the matter is they don't know HOW to really handle the situation.

  12. I'm from USA but I really do believe that every country should have a finalist. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. All of them. And from there, people can vote down, it's not complicated. Stardoll just has a very narrow selection, they always have. Not just with MSW, but with everything. What they want, they get. I'm glad that they are going to do something, but whatever it is, probably won't be much of an apology or an improvement.
    I think I've posted this before, but yes, Stardoll is a corporation, and yes, they do have a lot of power in their hands. Everyone saying all they want is money, is only half true. They do have quite a few employees, advertising, etc. BUT their input of money is double what they put out, including pay checks rent, and money to pay designers etc. They literally can spend a million more on making things in stardoll in a month, and then pay all their fees, dues, etc, without having to worry if they make money in the month or not. Of course there aren't 100 percents on these, but i sat down once and did like all the math.
    They have plenty of money to spend, MSW makes them probably double, they would benefit from dragging it out longer and making sure each country is represented, even 50 countries. Their voting system is indeed interesting, the algorithm is probably a bit off. But, literally they have time and money they could put into making this a extremely fair system.
    Honestly, Stardoll's answer will probably just be an apology. They tend to not know how fix a situation without yanking it all together, or ruining it. Right now closing MSW, and canceling this years events would get them no where, except in a firey pit of dollies wanting to yell and throw things at them, and trying to fix it, may in fact do the same thing. I am very proud of the dollies that were entered into MSW finalists, or whatever, but I'm pretty sure that having a few more finalists, wouldn't make a huge difference.
    Anywho, not trying to kill the mood today haha. XD I do sincerely hope they have a good answer / fix to this, and that it ends up working out for everyone.

  13. The funny thing is that I'm not really invested in the whole MSW fiasco - I did not campaigned this year and even though my country was excluded I wasn't affected personally. But I'm studying Public Relations in RL and I'm more than interested to see how will this play out. This is the closest Stardoll has been (and probably will be) to a PR crisis and the way they manage it will say a lot about the company.

  14. Yes, I can't wait to see what Stardoll will come up with to justify this HUGE blunder of theirs!...
    At the very least they could've grouped those countries who were not included in a special category, like its been done before if I'm not mistaken, like "Rest of Europe" or "Other European Countries Not Inclued Because You Are Way Too Small And Not Nearly Enough Profitable For Us To Care" category!!!
    More Examples:
    - "Other South American Countries Stardoll Considers As 3rd World" category!
    - "How Many Countries Are There In Central America?" category!
    - "The Whole Freakin' African Continent!" category!

    Oh, oh...and I just noticed more missing continent - ASIA!!!
    India has lots of Stardoll users but like, lots!!! Same goes for Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, Pakistan and I'm not even mentioning China and Japan!!!
    Awfully good job Stardoll!!!

  15. Stardoll has no idea how to calm down an angry mob. Tomorrow is going to be more of a brawl than today. Can't wait to see what they'll come up with, since it's taking them a WHOLE DAY to address this issue.

  16. I miss when every country had several winners.

    Then came 1 per country

    then continental Winner.

    And finalists (top 10)
    And then the Winner and Runner Ups got announced.

    That WORKED. Everyone had a chance no matter where they were from. And none of this changing-countries buisness! (Older accounts like mine cannot change at all, even if we want to, so that is also unfair.)

  17. China and America are very close with most active memberships last year. Yet, neither are there? So weird.

  18. I hope Stardoll listens and cleans up this mess.


    Check out the stardollblog or your emal if subscribed.

  20. Was Australia one of the countries? Because while there are a lot of Australian Stardoll members we aren't exactly a massive country in terms of population. Should I even ask if New Zealand was included, because there are so many extremely talented New Zealand members and it'd be a shame if they didn't even have a chance...

  21. They didn't even accept people from Ireland? I thought that all the European countries would at least be included...

  22. I've just read this too, what a piece of sh*t...

  23. I agree. Literally the least helpful thing. They needed to FIX the problem, not add to it by answering "questions" I'm pretty sure it wasn't "answers" dollies were looking for, it was fairness, which in fact still has not happened. SMH haha XD

  24. The funny part is that took a day to be composed and published.

  25. i know that there are countries where sd is less popular, but c'mon they should do section like "others" where will be thiscandidates.
    And I think last year there wasn't any problem like this, so why they done that this year?!

  26. Wow thanks for including my country Philippines ^_^ . You must replace the stardoll's msw organizer ! I had a feeling MSW will create problem like this so i closed my GB and did not participate MSW

  27. maybe you had the feeling too ^_^ Now we are curious of what wil be the actions (not answers only) they will take regarding this issue

  28. I have observed that all dollies wanted to get in the semi-finals so they spam everyone's gb in order to be voted back but actually did not send they msw vote. Example, I have a friend (creative male doll) who receives a minimum of 40gb entries telling they voted him. He wasnt included even though his country is there :( He was upset. I guess it happened to others too.

  29. It's fucked up.

    I would really like to protest against the site by not buying any more Superstar membership or Stardollars, but guess what? You can't do anything anymore unless you pay real money!

    I joined the site in 2008.
    Everyone had the same currency.
    There were sales every now and then.
    Sceneries were free.
    Parties were free.
    You'd get good rewards every time you levelled up.
    Sometimes they'd run this thing where you'd get a Stardollar every day you logged in.

    The Superstar advantages were the Bazaar, the Broadcasts, more clubs, special hair/facial features for your doll, more exclusive items, and a sale every month.

    It used to be fair.

    It's a shame I enjoy the website so much.
    If it were Facebook or some other site that had such a retarded staff, I would have no problem with never using the site again.

    I'm furious.

    Everybody should have had a chance.

  30. Yes, Finally Stardoll. Sooooo I wish uruguay can reach. Because I have 3 friends from there,So stylish! I hope my friend Queendoll639 (From Argentina) Could reach. Please vote her for me,On Argentina Semi-finalists. She votes with real votes ♥ I hope you can help her, She really worked hard as Jenna (Emorox4eva) And my friend, Suheily. (Suheily90) Suheily is famous on YouTube and Instagram. I don't know why she isn't there! She is so cool and kind! And Jenna, Why she isn't there! THEM ALL ARE SO COOL,KIND AND STYLISH. Just,As we saw Fake dolls (Level 1) Can vote msw -_- That's unfair! I need to see there HippieLoves (From Uruguay) Lokips (From Uruguay too) VickyVCuchi, Cool hair,Fashion & Decor designer (From Uruguay too) And we don't need to forget our lovely Jenna ♥ Stardoll haves to see this,Just at least have level 17 to vote, Then all the world will vote with Fake dolls. Suheily, Who didn't spammed. But she deserves it, My friend Emily (Queendoll639) The one who really wanted it,Spammed , But gave real votes. Just think girls,Oh yeah! I can chat with Stardoll on Instagram! So... Can I tell Stardoll about the 1 level dolls? Or about this problem :) I wish all good luck,And hope this MSW scandal ends.


  31. But what about South Korea, My country? I saw a lot of girls with Style, Stardoll can't do this to us...

  32. BS! A whole day to make that!?!?! Are you kidding me?!?!
    There was no need for a whole day to compose that! Anyone could make that in less than 24 hours. The REAL question(s) here are:

    Since Stardoll has over 300 million members. 100 million more or less online. Why are not all the countries included in this year's MSW? No. Do not give me the listed answers above. If there were dolls cheating, why weren't they contacted during the voting period about their wrong-doings? Did the cheating result to the lack of votes in each region? Are the votes limited to the location you're in? For instance, I live in Canada, am I only allowed to vote Canadian dolls, not internationally? You said we can vote for our favouriteS, plural, not one. Is it only strictly one doll per vote? Why aren't the top voted doll in EACH country selected? Is the top 30 a way to speed up competition? Since MSW starts around the same time as school starts in most regions of the world, does this explain the lack of votes? Why can't you move the competition around the summer, since you're all so worried about the lack of votes?

  33. This is ridiculous, their "answer" really dd nothing. Not too happy with Stardoll right now.
