
Sunday, August 10, 2014


I know part 1 has not concluded yet, but several people have been wanting to send in their previews. So, I am opening this early and trying to expand on some of your questions.

              Launch My Line


Show us a preview (2-3 pieces):

Previews can be sent in starting today.  
Read carefully as there are some changes.
I apologize for this but I am trying to accommodate some things I didn't initially consider.


For the preview you just need 2-3 pieces and 1 accessory. (Accessory must be either scarf or handbag for this round). 

Please remember if you continue to the next round you must have a min of 5, max of 10 clothing items. A minimum of 3 accessories. While you can have as many of any type of Stardesign accessories as you like (to enhance your line) you can only include either 1 jewelry item OR 1 shoe item as a part of your mandatory 3 accessories.  

Due by Aug 23, 2014

Example: M by Marcela

You will be submitting 2 pictures!

1. Take a picture of the items you created in Stardesign. 
This way we know they are not photoshopped and created on Stardesign.

2. Submit your preview. 
Click HERE to submit all previews in the comments section of our comps blog. 
Comments are set to private so only the moderators can view them.

You do not have to buy the items if you don't want and it doesn't have to be fancy, however a little creativity in the way you present it can't hurt! 

If you don't wish to buy them, simply take a pic of them after created in Stardesign. You can leave them as is or photo edit them on to mannequins.

Other Guidelines:

~You can use a photoshop (Paint, Gimp etc..) to help with presentation. However, you can NOT photo edit clothing positioning for preview.

~You can use ANY Stardoll mannequin in your displays. I will allow medoll mannequins if you remove the face etc..


~You can use items from Basics shop or other APPROVED PLAIN SOLID COLOR items  to pair with your clothing. ou can also create plain items in Stardesign to pair with it. This is for presentation purposes only and will not be included as part of your collection. 

For example: you can pair a basics or plain top with the Stardesign pants jeans or Stardesign top with jeans or plain pants etc..  These are not counted as a part of your line.
To get approval please post the items you would like to use below.

~ You can also use Non-Stardesign jewelry, belts and shoes ONLY for presentation purposes.

~Sceneries are also a good place to make your preview presentation more creative.

~You can create your items on another account, however please comment on that accounts presentation that it belongs to you. 

~All designs must be created by you and can not be replicated from a real life designer. For example you can not recreate logo's like Gucci, Chanel, Hello Kitty etc..

~Please keep all designs until  the end of the comp as they must be able to be sold.

Due by Aug 23, 2014

Best preview wins $100sd

We (Judges) will choose the top 10 previews to make it through to the final round. 
This number may be more or less depending on the number of entries.

Any other questions ask in comments

Click HERE to go to original post


  1. OH hehehe i alreadt sent mine in a couple days ago, wit an explanation of what it was...

  2. Oh, can't wait to see them. Good luck everyone, really exited about this contest even though I have not applied. Great idea Jenna, I'm loving it :)

  3. I'm so excited to see everyone's entries. I cant enter myself but I really love seeing all the things everyone else can do. :)

  4. Violette (cincilkanikolka)August 10, 2014 at 5:35 PM

    i just wanted to ask when i was reading if i can use another account so i can buy my stardesign clothes and voila next sentence it says :D awesome!

  5. I really like this competition but i cant design i wish to learn how one day :(

  6. NOOOOOOO!!!! I'm leaving on vacation on thursday and won't have wifi for a week starting sunday!!!! My partner doesn't have gimp or photoshop or anything, and I already bought the clothes that I'm using and don't have any space in my Stardesign! I may have to make a fakie. I thought I was ahead of schedule, but obviously not. Jenna, could you tell me if these clothes are allowed?

  7. NOOOOOOO!!!! I'm leaving on vacation on thursday and won't have wifi for a week starting sunday!!!! My partner doesn't have gimp or photoshop or anything, and I already bought the clothes that I'm using and don't have any space in my Stardesign! I may have to make a fakie. I thought I was ahead of schedule, but obviously not. Jenna, could you tell me if these clothes are allowed?

  8. Are we allowed to have more than one partner?

  9. yes I sent the preview before by email, but now I have to do it again but I have a problem adding the photos in the comments :(

  10. Seriously, I need to know, like, ASAP! I'm kind of worried! Please!

  11. So very excited for this, I just want to ask a quick Question Jenna, or anyone if they can answer. I set up a fabric/pattern sample... can I submit that as well? Or should I hold off until the next round? Or...? thanks! <3 I'm literally freaking out and I also just really wanna see what other people are doing <3 (also doing a little excited dance... just saying!)

  12. Mini Preview before the actual preview :)

  13. already super excited!!!! <3 Yours looks awesome!!! What editing do you use? :) <3

  14. digging the print!

  15. Can't wait to see it, so exited! :D

  16. Thank you! I use Paint, Picmonkey and even Microsoft Word. :)

  17. Thank you for your support! I really appreciate it. :)

  18. Lol! :D I can't wait to see the other designs :)

  19. wow! <3 Thats awesome! :D I use paint and it never turns out this awesome! <3

  20. I hate you just a little bit. So much better than mine!!!

  21. thanks. Yours are so much better!!!

  22. Please! Someone tell me if these cloths are allowed!

  23. ikr! As soon as I saw that, I knew it was over. My editing skills are a 3/10 at best. This is just amazing! And I mean that logo and font...I've already lost.

  24. it looks awesome! <3 I want to share my patterns so bad ahhhh XD

  25. Thanks! After looking above, I have lost all faith though. :-( Anyway, do it! I promise I won't steal! I'm SOOOOOOOOOO curious as to what everyone else has cooked up!

  26. me too, hahah I'm terrible at photoshop and whatnot so we'll see how far it goes. I thought yours was awesome! <3 I literally made a material set. <3 I'm so curious as well!

  27. THANK YOU!!!! I was so worried! I'm kind of freaking out about this whole thing, but at the same time it's kind of fun. Yeah, that didn't make sense. Anyway, THANK YOU!!!!!

  28. I am LOVING the "One with the tribe" (Sounds like the title of an episode of friends) and "Rice flower"

  29. It totally does sounds like a friends episode, now that I think of it XD hahha, rice flower, (Not) Sleeping Bag, Camp Food for the Soul and I Heart You, we the most fun to make! <3 I'm so excited about the patterns but arranging clothes on dolls is killing me haha!

  30. What are the colors that are folded up mean?

  31. Oh it was just for show like how some material gets folded back to show the back side, I just did it for show. It was to make the patterns look like they were real material... but I'm thinking of taking it off, because it looks funny to me :\\\ IDK

  32. @Emorox4eva/Jenna can we use original designs or should the designs be created by us? :)

  33. Lovely! can't wait to see the full collection!! :D

  34. Hi, I have a question: Do the clothing designs have to be repetitive/seamless prints, or can we use a print that's non-repetitive, such as creating cuts in the knee area of jeans, or adding a scenic background to a shirt?

  35. Please post it to the link in the post. Thanks

  36. It's actually not that hard, but it does take a lot of patience and practice :) You should give it a try!

  37. What do you mean? Are you saying you can't take the pic in Stardesign? How did you buy the items initially if you don't have space?

  38. Yes, but then you will all be splitting the $1000sd prize

  39. I had to change the blog as I kept having issues. You must now post at SMW Comps Blog.

    Go to

  40. Update had to change blogs

    Go to

  41. If it helps us see the patterns a bit better than on the clothes then sure. Feel free.

  42. All designs must be created by you and can not be copied by a real life designer.

  43. You can do whatever you want as long as you are not replicating a real life design for example Gucci, Chanel, Hello Kitty, logos etc...

  44. jenna, can you accept my friend request on SD?

  45. Thank you! I bought the items, but have was playing around with other designs, and it's pretty much full. I did make one space though, so I'm good. Sorry, I have a flair for the dramatic. Also, I'm not one to only give 50% into something, so if I'm making a preview, it's going to be the best darn preview you've ever seen! Not boring screenshot of stardesign! The image above isn't finished yet. I still have some fixing to do. Thank you!

  46. The screenshot of stardesign is just to prove that you made them :) I am glad to see your enthusiasm!

  47. I sent my preview I hope its alright did you get Jenna? :)

  48. Just sent mine in and I'm so nervous! <3

  49. Beautybomb1Love on StardollAugust 11, 2014 at 3:02 AM

    One question: If my logo doesn't match the collection as I cannot make it appealing, can i change the logo and thus the theme of the line?

  50. Beautybomb1Love on StardollAugust 11, 2014 at 3:53 AM

    Sent the preview. i'm so damn nervous! ._.

  51. and it's 2 am and my creativity just skyrocketed. Working on Jilster (A magazine making website that is super awesome) and decided to make this the inside first 2 covers and I'm just going to keep adding things I make in here. haha! :D ... I don't know :D

  52. Beautybomb1Love on StardollAugust 11, 2014 at 4:16 AM

    Thanks! I have high hopes for your preview too! I hope u get into the finals ^^

  53. okay thanks! also does that mean like for example i cannot use the checkerboard pattern in my designs?

  54. I've sent in my entry :) Good luck everyone

  55. plain black non stardesign shoes are okay? for ex. the fallen angel platform boots? just wanted to be sure before I submit

  56. Thx for the info.
    Well, What I see, the comp. is getting serious, Started to feel a bit that I have no chance ;-;
    Actually, I have trying design all weekend, ends up rejecting all ;-;,
    Decided to take inspiration to where I usually do, LE- more precisely LE Logos

    @Emorox4eva/Jenna got two questions
    1. Will i be allowed to do that? that is, take inspiration from a collection, in my case LE logos, not involving the LE, more about like the texture, style and create my own but inspired.

    2. For the previews, I might want to add a price tag, (like in reality) on the clothes, with my logo on it, it is possible?

  57. I have a few questions, if anyone knows the answer to them, could you please help me? Thanks in advance :)
    1. Are we allowed to make designs on fake accounts and send them to ourselves?
    2. Are we allowed to use photoshop for the mannequins? (I want to use the loft mannequins, but i don't have The Loft, so could I photoshop my stardesign items onto the mannequins?)

    Thank you!

  58. 1. Yes you can. You still must take a pic of the items in Stardesign and you must put on the presentation that you own it.

  59. wait so like am i supposed to send it in or post it here cause people are having issues...

  60. I sent my entry in (i think i did), so nervous :z

  61. 1. Yes you can get inspiration from any collection just not complete duplicate a design. (I mainly mean logos and pictures of things like hello kitty, Domo, etc,,) So you could not actually use LE as your logo but you could come up with your own initials or whatever.

  62. Any Non-stardesign shoes can be used.

  63. You would need to do this before the Part 1 logo deadline.

  64. I'd love some more info about this site. Would it be something we can use for the blog? How easy is it to use? Can we add our own pictures? How does it work etc..

  65. Okay :)
    Thank you so much for your help!

  66. I got it, however you are not allowed to edit the clothing so your mannequin must be positioned accordingly unless of course your item is sleeveless.

  67. The issues have been resolved. There is a new link in the post. You post the pic to comments under that link.

  68. Ok I think.. I managed to successfully send my preview. :)

  69. So, I just want to make sure, you post it in the comments/disqus on the link you posted?

  70. hi Jenna! so is it okay to use designs like checkerboard etc...?

  71. just sent my entry! plese let me know if there's something wrong w/ it so I can change it/fix it before it's too late! :p

  72. Beautybomb1Love on StardollAugust 11, 2014 at 4:04 PM

    Oh T-T
    Does it matter that the logo doesn't match? :_:

  73. Beautybomb1Love on StardollAugust 11, 2014 at 4:41 PM

    Did you get the preview? ;]

  74. Can we have more than one accessory designed by us?

  75. Sorry I'm not quite sure what item you are talking about? Could you please let me know so I can fix it?

  76. Hi Jenna I sent my in a few days ago! I hope it's okay that I changed the mannequins positions?

  77. @Emorox4eva/Jenna can i use these items? :)

  78. @Emorox4eva/Jenna i would like to use these to enhance my collection :)

  79. changing the mannequins was fine as long as it didn't require you to alter the clothes :)

  80. For the preview? Sure as long as you have 2-3 clothing items as well

  81. hi Jenna i sent in the preview! hope you received it :))

  82. After looking at it a 2nd time, I will let it pass as it is not actually on items that are being judged.

  83. I want to see all previews! xD will we be allowed to see them when you announce the result of this round?

  84. After they are judged the comments will show at the link and you will be able to see the pics.

  85. I've already fixed the non star design top and I will be posting it again soon :)

  86. I see another post of competition of stardesin? is it connected to this one?

  87. I accidentally deleted my pieces after I bought them but I recreated them as best as I could using the same patterns. That's why the pieces in the two pictures I submitted look a teensy bit different. Is that okay?

  88. Yeah, my fingers are stupid sometimes XD

  89. Is it okay that I made one of my pieces on another account and gifted it to myself to just to put it on a mannequin. I hope you understand.

  90. I submitted it in the diqus in the link you posted above. I just want to make sure you got it.

  91. Okay thank you!

  92. Hey :) I'm Prizla. I sent my preview yesterday. Did you get it?

    P.S.: Sorry if my English is not perfect, I'm from Argentina :B
